- The board unanimously agreed that the Park District will pay for new signage for ‘No Parking’ which the town should enforce. Pat will discuss the particulars such as the hours there is no parking permitted, how many signs are needed, etc. with Rich Williams. She will give an update at the next meeting.
- An update was given on lake management. Pat advised she spoke to Kevin Burns and Charlie Cook regarding the grant changes; Pat will e-mail Greg Ball’s office shortly to get an update. Also, Hank and Pat started retrieving the CSLAP water samples; Pat will mail them out.
- Tom and Pat discussed the budget; Hank gave vouchers he received this year to Pat. It was determined that an approximate $50,000 (not including the grant) is still available for allocation this year. Also, a motion was made and the board agreed that Ann Krupenye should be paid by contract next year for $720 instead of by sessions taught in order to guarantee her forty hours for teaching swim lessons. It was also agreed that an assistant would be paid on an hourly basis only.
June 19 work session will be utilized for budget discussion.
4. Hank advised that he will look into ordering the lifeguard t-shirts and Ben Krupenye will put a list together for the lifeguards/shirt styles requested. Pat will also look into ordering hunter green t-shirts for individuals patrolling the beaches
5. Hank will get keys to Tom and Pat for access to the boathouse.
6. The following update was given on activities:
- Concerning the ball field, the board agreed to purchase a new shed for the field in the amount of $1,200. Hank will get quotes from Home Depot and two other locations. Also, Joe D’Elia’s roster should be all set; Mike will check with Joe and advise. Additionally, the umpires have to fill out their town employee applications.
- The swim team coaches submitted their employee paperwork. Hank added that Janet Ravo will submit payment for their league fee. Gerry Dolan will advise shortly of the meets’ schedule. Also, Hank and Mike will work on new kickboards for the team.
7. Regarding Public Relations and signage, Tom handed out printouts of the Park District website. The board reviewed and discussed improvements to be made, including a new tab for ‘Community Bulletin Board’. Mike will make the changes and look into purchasing a better tool with more features to enhance the website. Also, Pat advised that Signs & Printing by Olson can make signage to advertise our website which will draw people to check it. It was agreed that these signs should be posted by the VFW and the boathouse. Tom and Hank will meet this coming Saturday afternoon to tag locations for new signs that will label previous beach areas and all boat storage areas.
8. Tom advised that he met with Patricia Brooks, the Town Comptroller, to discuss purchasing new sand for Warren Beach. He confirmed that we can make a selection based on a per ton basis; the board agreed the color will remain white for consistency. Hank advised he will bring the procurement for this to Town Hall.
9. Tom researched and handed out information concerning the purchasing of a new projector; he proposed it be purchased for board meetings to review information, and the board agreed.
10. Regarding maintenance, the Jackson Beach Boat Storage Area needs to be hedged up and cleaned; there needs to be a 4 foot path. Also, a lock needs to be put on garbage containers and they should be unlocked every Tuesday night for garbage pick up. The ornamental grass at Interlaken Beach will no longer be trimmed. Mike will discuss these items with Mike Bloomer.
11. The meeting was adjourned.