Board Members in attendance: Hank Earle, Laura Russo, Pat Ploeger, Lucinda Johnson; Cesira Farrell; Paul Farrell, Mike Ercole
Salute to the Flag
Minutes: Approved through 2/2/17
Lake Management:
Pat called SOLitude for the status of the Cutrine Plus application and it is at the DEC
Illegal parking: No report yet – still pending
Dennis has been approved to install a new lock at the boat house
Pat and Cesira are working on drafting a letter to Lake Shore owners re: Lake
Lawn Mowing the beaches and parkland: bid will be awarded for 2017 to start on 4/6
Purchase of picnic tables from Uline – Pat will schedule a delivery date
Prepare the beaches for May 27th opening day
Beach inspection at least a week before opening day
Dock repair and launching - Hank will send out RFQ’s
Weed removal – Hank will send out RFQ’s
Then Dennis can make repairs to the walkouts and rafts as needed prior to beach opening day
Ballfield/Basketball Court:
Winter Bros. was awarded the bid for a dumpster at the ballfield
We decided on the placement of benches, trees and the fences at the Basketball court
Softball: Must be paid by April 9th or they can’t start playing. We approved the budget.
Swim Team: review procedures and Pat will contact the Head Coach and Asst Coach. If they are not available we need to recruit and hire new people.
Same fees as last year for the swim team prices
Website: Update as needed
Press releases – put on the Town VFW board for our next meeting April 6th and the Easter Egg Hunt April 1st
Obtain the ID badges: from Jamie G – Mike will follow up
Newsletter: In progress, looking to add some pictures
2017 Season:
Prepare the manuals for swim team & life guards
Prepare a long term plan for the park district – start thinking of where do we see the Park Land in 10 years
Start discussing the carp gate process for Fall 2017