Board Members in attendance: Mike Ercole, Hank Earle, Laura Russo, Pat Ploeger, Marguerite Shortt, Rich Filipelli
Salute to the flag
Advisory Board: We had interviews for the 7th board member, and the Board voted unanimously to recommend Lucinda Johnson for appointment by the Town Board. The PLPD also recommended that Mike Ercole whose term expires 12/31/15 be reappointed for a seven-year term.
Approval of Minutes: Approval for the 12/3/15 minutes is pending.
Lake Management: NYSFOLA & CSLAP dues will be payable in January. The board approved continuing with CSLAP for 2016.
Carp/Carp gate: Rich Williams is following up on revising the carp gate plans to adjust the mesh openings from two Boat removals: inchers to one inch.
Basketball Court: Pat is working on the prices for the evergreen trees for screening at 15 Kenton Dr., and is working on the paperwork to submit to Peckham for a grant. We need prices for fencing (8’ x 100’) to protect players on the court from baseballs, etc.
Walking Path: We are looking for prices to remove dead trees and fallen trees from the area that has been cleared of brush. We really need volunteers to help and this will keep the budget down. Hank will work on a crew to complete this early spring. We’ll get the design architect to come in the spring
Rafts: The rafts and walkouts have been removed from the water. We are still waiting for a grant to replace the rafts. Until the grant is in contract we might rebuild some of them or replace boards.
Doggie Stations: Additional stations will be ordered shortly.
Lifeguard Manager: Hank is writing the job description.
Handyman: A job description is needed.
Boat removals: All boats still on the lake will be taken this weekend. We need to address all debris left on the property.
Neighborhood Watch: The committee met and set up dates for the entire year. Once all dates are approved we will distribute to the public.
Glass case: Has been updated
Email list: We will update the email list on an ongoing basis.
Children’s New Year’s Eve Party: The party will take place at the firehouse from 11-1PM at the firehouse.