- The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.
- All board members were in attendance.
- A motion was made to accept the minutes from the previous meeting.
- Duane revised the brochure being created for residents to provide information about the park district and parkland areas; at the next meeting, he'll provide a prelimary design defining areas on the map. Once completed, copies can be made available for residents at the beaches, town hall, website and other areas.
- John mentioned the Town Code Enforcer recently inspected the beaches before and after they opened and closed. Also, Dede will go before the Town Board and ask the Code Enforcer to address concerns regarding people who are still parking on parkland property.
- Dede advised that there were only two inquiries from residents about swim lessons. Dede will contact Wings Over Water in Brewster to find out if they would consider giving a discount to residents in lieu of lessons at the beach this year.
- Duane presented design samples of new beach signage for beach/park areas and boat storage areas. The size of the new beach signs will be approximately 36" x 30". Additional revisions will be reviewed at next meeting and pricing will be obtained.
- Regarding the boat storage area sign, it was decided to amend the verbiage; all board members agreed. These signs will be 30" wide and mounted on posts. The designated areas for Park Areas will be Johnson, Hudson, Fairfield, Interlaken and Lacona beaches. Boat storage areas will be North Launch, Interlaken Boat Storage, Warren Boat Storage, South Launch, Jackson Boat Storage and Parma Boat Storage.
- The board discussed the usage of the boat house area as either a park area or for boat storage. It was agreed that boats may be stored in that area and signs will be made to that matter. Additional No parking signs may be necessary as well.
- Duane advised that there are currently 155 registered boats. Notices have started to be placed on boats not tagged and people are responding to them by tagging their boats or removing them. The board discussed improvements for the boat tags and storage for next year. The boats currently stored on beach areas were discussed and agreed that residents will be notified to move to new areas per the boat policy and since these areas are required to be left open for all residents to use and maintenance crews to access. Further discussion ensued concerning the schedule of boat removal of untagged boats if, after every effort, there is no compliance. Town code states all boats stored on the parklands have to be tagged.
- It was agreed to take down the broken fencing located by Hudson Beach and down the road from Interlaken Beach.
- Dede gave an update on her meeting with Allied Biological. The biologist took preliminary rakings. Three current concerns are a long and healthy crop of curly pondweed, heavy rains, and a lot of algae. Allied Biological found some watermilfoil, slender leaf pond, naiads, and other weed types in the lake. Normally, weeds would be on the surface. However, because everything is blooming late this year coupled with an abundance of algae, all are under-surface. Nutrients are coming in more often due to excessive rains, and the heat precipitates algae; the north end still has some water chestnuts. Further updates and discussion will continue at the next meeting.
- The board unanimously agreed to test for fecal coliform at six inlet locations. The price for each test (at each location) is approx. $30.00. Testing will occur after heavy rains (with little turbulence) for best results. Lab testing will be done at the Yorktown Lab and Dede will pick up vials for this purpose.
- A discussion was had regarding testing for phosphorus (suggested by Allied Biological) at the inlet locations. The board agreed that if the testing is within the $200 price range, testing will be considered. Also, the oxygen meter was checked and it was determined there is no oxygen content in the water at an approximate 8 to 10 foot depth. Further updates will be given at the next meeting.
- Regarding lifeguard policy, it was agreed that an e-mail will be sent to the lifeguards to reiterate all rules and also, advise that the round tables will eventually be removed as well.
- Dede advised that Charlie Cook, the Patterson Deputy Supervisor, signed off on the grant offered to the Park District by Greg Ball. Another grant option may be available. Dede will follow-up and give an update at the next meeting.
- Regarding the ball field, Mike advised that the contract says the field is to be mowed on Thursday or Fridays during the designated, time period. Mike called the lawn service a couple of times with no reply and will follow-up with the town.
- The meeting was adjourned.
Meeting MinutesMeeting minutes are posted at the town website once they are accepted into record by the Park Advisory Board. Minutes are also kept on record at the Patterson Town Hall. Archives
April 2018
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