The board unofficially asking Kevin Burns to bring up to the town asking them to pay for the basketball court. Pat and Marguerite asked Rich Williams about it and if there are grants available.
Float: Tom and the girls – Christmas Story theme - $100 per vehicle truck and trailer – one price – budget approved of $400.00 – reusable items, banner, will check consignment shops – LED lights – invest in them, plus candy to hand to the kids. Ask the town if we want to be in the firehouse parade. How do we do it if there is a donation to enter? The 1st year the entry fee is zero. Next year is a $100 entry fee. It is not a donation.
Float –Swim team ?? participate
Alisha Earle handed out a calendar of events for 2015
Pastor Tony – ask for an invoice for rent for $250
Town Holiday party – anyone going? No one is sure yet
For the basketball courts - Rich Williams said to check with neighbors for noise – we need to know the real size of the land
VFW sign – if we have issues getting our events posted – let Rich Williams know –Getting a new sign there is on a waiting list
Allied Biological – report will be ready 7 hard copies and one CD.
$4200 Bruce Majors for the soffits
$940 Willy - Approved by board 5 members
Rafts – restate sizes – and get prices. Where are you from, aluminum, prices dimensions, 120 feet long 4 feet is a good walk out size. Or to build new ones with a carpenter and buy all of the supplies is cheaper than hiring a company to do it all.
Marguerite and Hank to meet Saturday for sizes of the docks
Projects – Tom to follow up. Entrance into lake – work in with the landscape design. Incorporate the benches with the walking path and part of the beaches. Select our ideas and then ask the experts about them. We can do the cement platform with volunteers and the maintenance man. We need a $9-$10 per hour helper for next year.
Sat Nov 22nd for help removing the boats, address, someone needs to be there to identify the boat.
Dec 1st all boats will be removed. Any still on the parkland will be remove any time after that.
New letters for the sign at firehouse $76 – Trish will order it. Approved by board
Pat and Marguerite spoke to Rich Williams for compost site. Green Chimneys no longer available for composting.
We need to write up each sign that is faded and needs to be removed.