2. All board members were in attendance.
3. The minutes from the previous meeting were read and accepted.
4. Committee reports: Lake quality; Duane and Dede will present lake studies at the next meeting.
5. Regarding the Putnam County Health Department concerning lifeguards: A safety plan was completed. A discussion was held regarding appointing a lifeguard committee. Further discussion will ensue at the next meeting. The board determined the necessity to purchase two first aid kits and two phones for the lifeguards on duty at Jackson and Warren beaches; Dede will research. Dru indicated no other necessary equipment needs to be purchased for the lifeguards at this time.
6. Veronica Roche was in attendance and provided last year’s swim team expenses for review. There was a discussion concerning expenses and supplies needed. Veronica will take an inventory of supplies in the shed at Warren Beach and will advise the board what needs to be purchased. It was determined that swim lessons are listed under a separate activity from swim team. It was determined that there is an approximate $1,500.00 extra expense for lifeguards on duty during swim team practice not in expenses provided and not part of Park District budget. Dede will research whether it is a requirement to provide lifeguard(s) during this time. She will also find out if we are permitted to sell items at the concession stand at the beach through the town; seated until these two issues are resolved.
7. Hank provided an update on Jackson Beach renovations concerning labor and supplies. Four bids were requested from local contractors and he will advise their quote responses at the next meeting.
8. The new sheds at Warren and Jackson beaches are to be installed.
9. Hank will check with Veronica concerning new roping needed for the beaches.
10. Blue containers/garbage receptacles: Dede researched the containers at Lake Carmel’s district; she will e-mail a photo to Hank showing specs for his review.
11. Dede will e-mail notice concerning boat removal for the purpose of clean-up, etc. The town will send out a press release.
12. It was discussed that Ed Garrity would like to remove wooden planks from the boathouse that belong to him; Hank will call him to arrange.
13. Signage at the beaches was discussed. The board needs to establish open beach hours for the community as well as Health Department. Tentative hours will be as follows: Memorial Day weekend (May 25 - May 27) hours will be 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM; summer hours will be 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM on weekdays; 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM on weekends.
14. A sign stating: ‘Beach is officially closed when lifeguard is off duty’ was discussed and decided on by the board; specs to be determined.
15. Dede posted updated information on the community message board at the Putnam Lake Market.
16. Beach ID handouts were distributed by Dede; the board will review.
17. Duane added a message to the Putnam Lake Park District website asking for community volunteers.
18. Boat registration forms were discussed. There is a slight modification to the boat stickers; to adjust size to 4 inches and the color of the stickers will be magenta. The design and modification was approved as amended. Antoinette Kopeck, the town clerk, will write identification numbers on each sticker (one per boat). A motion was made and vote approved to order them.
19. Boat registration forms will be available on the website, along with mailing instructions.
20. A discussion was had regarding the distribution of wristbands (as previously discussed, to be utilized and given to all Park District residents as a means of district, resident identification). Dede will contact the town board concerning date(s) for residents to pick up wristbands at the Patterson Town Hall.
21. Dede indicated the beach capacities at both Warren and Jackson beaches have been changed to 300 persons at each due to expansion.
22. There was a discussion about signage regarding public access for Putnam Lake deeded Connecticut residents. Further discussion will ensue at the next meeting.
23. Soccer rental at Memorial Field; It was noted that Matt, the director from Patterson Recreation, indicated to Dede they charge $20.00 per hour for their field. The board voted on a $20.00 per hour rental fee for United Soccer League to use the field for practice from March to June of this year.
24. Softball league discussions took place involving previously approved budget options for the men’s league. The Park Advisory Board voted to continue with the budget as proposed to the Town Board.
25. Dru Allard resigned from the Park Advisory board.
26. The meeting was adjourned.