2. All board members were in attendance.
3. A motion was made to accept the minutes from the previous meeting.
4. Lake Quality Update - Dede advised the first water quality testing will begin in May by Allied Biological.
5. Health Department - Dede advised she is continuing to collect information for lifeguard instruction as well as inspecting available equipment from last year. Discussions were had regarding purchasing additional items for lifeguards such as (2) first aid kits. Duane gave an update on the cost for two Trakfones; he’ll check on additional options and advise.
6. Dede contacted all previous, experienced lifeguards from Putnam Lake who were employed in 2012. The lifeguards are aware of current requirements for lifeguard training and CPR certification, and she advised that CPR training is available at Green Chimneys. Based on this contact list and scheduling, there should be enough lifeguards to cover both beaches for the summer. However, anyone can still apply for a lifeguard position by contacting the website atwww.putnamlakeparkdistrict.com. The board will schedule an interview for all senior and junior lifeguards in the near future, and Dede will advise all lifeguards of the meeting date.
7. Dede will contact Veronica Roche and request she contact all previous swim team families via e-mail to invite them to the next public meeting on May 2. The board would like to hear their thoughts, ideas, and concerns for this year’s swim team.
8. Signage was ordered for the beaches, including a smaller sign with beach hours.
9. Jackson Beach expansion update - Tom Consolato will start excavation work on April 22. Rich Williams previously advised of insurance specs required; these requirements were met and confirmed with Tom prior to work performed. The following work will be done: expand beach area, as well as provide new sand and grass seed, hay, etc. in designated areas; provide drainage equipment in designated areas; move rocks for placement of storage shed and provide gravel for this area as well as the portosan area; fill is also available if needed.
10. Additional items at Jackson Beach - A long-term plan of possible storm draining will be discussed in front of the beach for next year. Additionally, a picnic table is missing a bench seat; Hank will check and replace. Also, the distance for rafts from the shore will be determined.
11. Boathouse - electricity is not on yet; Hank will call Rich Williams to discuss.
12. Warren Beach update - Hank will organize putting rafts out. In addition, volunteers will be recruited to help out on April 27 for clean-up starting at 9:00 a.m. via the VFW message board as well as the Park District website. Also, Dede will contact all residents who previously offered to help. Dede will meet with Veronica to look over condition of equipment such as kickboards, swim lane ropes, and other specs. An update will be given at the next meeting.
13. Parklands - Boats at Warren Beach; 60 - 70 percent of boats are still there. Residents should still remove boats since clean-up is continuing (boat removal was requested from April 15 - May 15). The intent is to identify boats that have not been registered or utilized in years, remove damaged boats and clean-up areas. The board has the right to remove boats based on a policy issued. Duane will make up stickers (to include date) to adhere to boats not registered. Also, all boats in any beach areas around the lake need to be removed. An update will be given at the next meeting.
14. Lawn Services - Dede advised three quotes were submitted and they were too high. There was discussion regarding mowing all the beaches or to eliminate mowing by the boathouse and Lacona beach area for budgetary purposes. While bids are finalized a service can be hired to mow the grass at Memorial Field. It was decided by the board that the quote needs to be under $10,000 for all lawn services. An update and further discussion will continue at the next meeting.
15. Garbage pick-up should start this Wednesday; also, the town delivered a handicapped portosan to the ball field.
16. The Town of Patterson clean up days are April 20 and April 27. The board will ask the town to add to the VFW sign: Beach and Parkland Clean-Up (next to the dates). Also, Duane will add a notice on the Park District website.
17. Swim Team - Starts June 24; per Veronica, practice is every day the first week. After this, it depends on when meets are scheduled. Duane distributed an analysis to the board regarding the swim team budget. Also, lifeguards will start work on June 24 at 9:30 am. The board discussed other swim team particulars such as swim team fee, whether or not swim team wants to continue with $20.00 concession fee per family, etc. Dede talked to the town regarding concession during meets. The town advised it has to be done by the parent volunteers who are running it. Further discussion will continue at the next meeting, and all swim team families are invited to discuss any issues. Topics will include whether or not the swim team registration fee will remain the same. Last year’s swim team registration fees were: $65.00 for the first child; $35.00 for the second; $15.00 for each additional child.
18. Swim Lessons - The two previous swim team instructors are no longer interested in teaching this year. The board will present this opportunity at the next meeting to find out if there is any interest.
19. Ballfield - a section of fencing needs to be repaired, as well as a picnic table. Duane, Hank, and Mike will meet at the ballfield this Saturday to assess and determine repairs needed. Also, Hank will continue to research pricing for new fencing for replacement.
20. Website - Duane will update lake quality section, beach rules, etc. He will also add counters to assess active web traffic to the site. This data should be available within a couple of weeks.
21. Discussion was had regarding providing a handout/public notice for the benefit of educating and informing the community of new happenings, etc. Duane and Dede will start to design and include the basics so everyone in the community can be informed about the new Park District.
22. Meeting was adjourned.