2. All board members were in attendance.
3. A discussion was had with Billy Peragine regarding his offer to volunteer on a regular basis for the park district. It was agreed that Billy will perform general maintenance duties around the parklands, and the PAB expressed their gratitude towards his generous offer.
4. Lake Quality - Dede advised that CSLAP will begin very shortly; also, the depth marker needs to be adjusted; Hank will weight it properly this coming Sunday, June 23. Also, algae is in bloom. The board discussed the potential causes being a combination of nutrients, pondweed, recent excess rain water, etc. Photos were taken and sent to Chris Doyle at Allied Biological for review. Also, water chestnut photos were taken as well. Duane advised of areas that are prevalent with this weed, specifically from Interlaken Beach to the north end, and just prior to the island. The board decided they will meet this Sunday at 9:00 am to hand-pull these weeds.
5. A discussion was had regarding leaving the grass uncut in specific areas on the water’s edge, such as Warren Beach as suggested to the board at a previous meeting. The board agreed that the buffer zone for erosion in these specified areas is currently fine. Also, if the purpose was to prevent geese, the grass would have to be at least two feet high and unlikely to be effective.
6. Daily Operations: John gave an update; he mentioned a boat being tied at the dock at Jackson beach; John spoke to the owner regarding this. Additional items were: Jackson Beach portosan was replaced; he addressed a complaint about golf balls being hit into the water at Fairfield Beach; cars with CT plates were at Jackson Beach; two boats were located in the beach area at Jackson. A discussion was had regarding whether swimming area roping is accurate or needs to be readjusted; Hank will remeasure.
7. Dede advised of a complaint regarding a lifeguard using a cell phone while on duty; Dede went over the policy with the lifeguard. An additional concern from the resident was the lifeguard should be sitting in a lifeguard chair; Dede substantiated that according to the Health Dept., at least one lifeguard on duty must be sitting in a lifeguard chair with an umbrella. New umbrellas will be purchased and mounted as soon as possible.
8. Dede advised that Andy requested Tommy be considered as a fill-in head lifeguard; he meets qualifications and the board unanimously agreed.
9. Regarding drainage issue at Jackson Beach, Russ spoke to Rich about adding another drain; he will look into it. It was discussed that heavy rain was going over the berm; Dede will discuss with Russ. Hank will work on investigating additional solutions for drainage and update at a future meeting.
10. New sheds purchased from Martin’s Country Craftsman, Inc. arrived at Jackson and Warren Beaches.
11. Dede sent another garbage pick-up request to the town; it was discussed that if the town is charging the district for this service, volunteers will pick it up instead.
12. Further discussion ensued regarding fencing at Jackson Beach. It was decided to install temporary fencing as soon as possible as it’s not cost effective to install a permanent, expensive type at this time due to continuing renovations.
13. Beach Hours were discussed and the board agreed to open beaches full time starting June 24th (end of school year).
14. It was decided that the lawn cutting service is doing a good job with all designated areas.
15. Parking expansion was discussed at Jackson Beach. It was discussed to potentially push back fencing to accommodate additional parking. Board members indicated it is a structural element that has to be discussed and approved by an engineer. Hank indicated that Unilock Inc. will engineer the work in addition to installation. Further discussion will continue at future meetings when more information is collected.
16. Regarding boats stored without registrations stickers, the board agreed to notify residents via the mailed newsletter of the requirement and then place a notice on each boat not meeting the requirement. The goal is to get all boats to comply this summer.
17. An update was given on the swim team. Hank and Mike will paint the kickboards and install at Warren Beach. Also, the budget was discussed as well as a recommendation to allow the few children who were previously on the Piranhas’ team and out-of-district to continue on the team. The board recognizes the importance of keeping the team together, and don’t want the kids to feel penalized. The fee will be assessed at $100.00 plus swim team registration fees for those specific families.
18. Regarding the baseball field, Mike will advise the contractor that trimwork needs to be done in designated areas.
19. Dede gave an update on swim lessons. Unfortunately, between the two instructors from last year not wanting to continue, little interest by current lifeguards wanting to teach as well as minimal WSI certification classes being offered locally, another option will be considered for this year. Dede spoke with Hudson Valley Inc., a company that teaches swim lessons at Patterson Veterans Memorial Park, and advised they can teach lessons here. The board agreed to this option and Dede will confirm pricing of $90.00 for six-week session as well as scheduling; she will advise shortly and Duane will adjust on the public notice.
20. A discussion was had regarding specifics for the new Park District phone number that will be available for inquiries. The board will follow-up at the next meeting.
21. It was decided that a ‘No Overnight Parking’ (around the parklands) comment would be added to the public notice so all residents are aware of this.
22. Regarding entertainment, the board agreed to permit the Luau event (sponsored by Friends of the Park District) on July 20 at Warren Beach and waive a potential, rental fee.
23. It was discussed to continue offering weekend beach registrations at Warren Beach to residents for convenience.
24. Mike advised that a resident inquired about initiating a dog park on the parklands. She would also offer her services in helping to make this happen. The board will discuss and/or consider this for future projects.
25. The potential ‘shovel ready’ grant offered by Greg Ball was discussed. Dede will further research requirements such as matching funds, etc. and will advise. The board continued discussion about the priority improvements. A plan must be put forth to the town to start the process.
26. Dede advised that Allied Biological will start weed mapping in late July or early August.
27. The meeting was adjourned.