Salute to the flag
Minutes: Approved
Lake Management: We are waiting 45 - 60 days for renewal application approval.
News letter and DEC notification mailing was received by all
Grant: Pending Carp Gate grant.
Basketball Court: Pat emailed Ron Gainer for a plan of when it can be done. We need the cost and requested it ASAP. If we do not have information by the next meeting, we will look for someone else.
Ballfield Drainage:
Willow Tree removal. We have a price for removal and stump grinding. We will send out a RFQ to 2 more people and ask for quick turn around so it can be approved at the next Town Meeting.
Curtain Drainage: Only one vendor responded for the bid on the curtain drainage. We will make a decision at our next meeting and then go to the town for approval.
Lifeguards: Find out what Brian Callahan does at Veterans and then let Gerry Dolan know what we expect and need to be done in supervising the life guards – how much will this cost? Random visits, but at least 3 times per week. Coordinate the time sheets, schedules, check on supplies and report to the board. Contact board member if any issues.
Check the life guard chairs to see if they are in good condition, if not fix or replace. Can we have a person to work on a project just as needed? Start the lifeguard process. Marguerite to call Sue to start the paperwork for 20 applicants. They need certification. Marguerite will look into two life guard chairs – check the requirements for sandy beach at a lake for 1 or 2 people
Out of District members: We have the transcript from the last town meeting on the discussion of PLPD adding the extra out of district members. Meeting on the 14th – open to the public at the Firehouse. Then the next work session meeting we can decide if we want to proceed.
Future meeting dates to be determined
Porta-johns and dumpsters to be put back April 1st. Tom will handle
Fire Department Community Board: Sign is on hold temporarily.
Boat stickers: Have arrived at town hall. They can be picked up now. On 5/16 & 17th start handing out bracelets from 12 – 3pm @ the beach
Maintenance Person: Keep Jerry same pay $18 hours @ 25 hours per week. Keep Dave this year – same pay & every other Saturday. Give specifics and he must get the stuff completed. Empty garbage, rake beach, mow grass & paint
Doggie waste stations: put them up on the no parking signs. Marguerite got a price for $99. She needs to get pricing for 5 sets - no post - the sign Tom will look for the garbage cans in green or brown.
Softball meeting - We will go to the softball captain’s meeting –April 2nd.
Docks & Walkouts: Inspect docks and walk outs – Mike got a price of $30k – life time warranty – we want plastic, fiberglass, not wood. Fix the docks this year if we can’t get new docks. New docks = pricing for next year.
Neighborhood watch: Each block captain should choose 10 spots in each district. Red tape and mark on the map the cross streets Mike to buy all the nuts and bolts as a donation.