Board Members in attendance: Mike Ercole, Hank Earle, Laura Russo, Pat Ploeger, Marguerite Shortt,
Salute to the Flag
Minutes: April 7, 2016 – Approved
Fireworks – We received a proposal for licensed fireworks to be set off on a raft in the center of the lake on Sunday 7/3 with 7/4 as a raindate. We will confirm the expenditure with the town before we commit.
Life guards: Those lifeguards who do not have a waterfront certification will have to attend the May 27th course at Green Chimneys before they can work. The lifeguard meeting will be held at the boathouse on May 23rd.
Swim Team Coordinator: The PLPD will recommend approval by the Town Board of a $450 stipend to coach Monique Lawlor for assuming the duties of coordinator. Parents will order bathing suits for their children themselves . As of May 19, 20 children have registered. The second registration will be on June 11th with final registration on the day of the first practice, slated for June 27th. Monique will search for an assistant coach. Pat will publicize that participation on the swim team is open to all Patterson residents at an additional fee of $50 per family.
Lake Management: Solitude Lake Management notified us that the DEC approvals are coming in very slowly.
DASNY: Senator Terrance Murphy and Megan Taylor are checking on it for us and will see if he can speed it along.
Parkland: Walking path cleanup efforts are on hold until the beaches are approved and priority projects are completed.
Recycle Bins: They arrived but are smaller than expected – Marguerite will call the company about the quality before we pay for them. Keep them and see how they work out. We may need to order more. The trash receptacles on the parkland need to be put out
Illegal parking on the parkland: Pat reported that Bob McCarthy has authorized the code enforcer to warn and then ticket those who are parked illegally.
Beach Weed Removal: The Town Board has approved our request for diver assisted suction harvesting on Warren Beach at a cost not to exceed $3,600. That work will take place on May 23rd and 24th. The Town also approved manual harvesting on Jackson Beach at a cost not exceed $1,200. We will then be able to compare the effectiveness of both processes.
Board of Health Inspection: The Department of Health will inspect on Wednesday the 25th. Dock Repairs, dock launching, stenciling and sand delivery should all be completed by that date. Hank will work with lifeguard manager Alison Lawlor to see that all lifeguard equipment is at the beaches and in good shape for the inspection.
Wristbands and boat stickers: The PLPD board will man the beaches from 10-2PM for the next two weekends. If boats are found on the parkland without stickers they will be tagged with a warning and then removed.
Dumpster: We need a locked dumpster at the ballfield. People are dumping trash outside the dumpster.
Peckham grant: Still pending. Pat will follow up with a call or email to Stephen Woodcock
Little League: Pending
Chap 116-21: – Letter to be sent to Joe Delia regarding the prohibition of alcohol on PLPD properties .
Communication: Mike will remove dated material from the website. He has no news on the electronic signboard.
Photo ID: Pat will check with Rich Williams to see what format is need for photo ID badges for the PLPD board.
Handyman: We have been notified that we will use the town’s handyman for work in the Park District.