Board Members in attendance: Hank Earle, Laura Russo, Pat Ploeger, Lucinda Johnson, Mike Ercole
Pledge of Allegiance
Minutes: 8/18/16 have been approved – Laura will send to town clerk
DASNY carp gate grant: No update as of today despite the paperwork having been returned to DASNY a month ago. If we do not hear within a week we will not be able to go ahead with the project this year.
Boat motor: On 9/6 Pat gave Rich Williams our written answers to the questions the Town board raised at their meeting of 8/17.
Lake Treatment: Pat will start preparing the RFQ’s for 2017 algaecide treatment in time for the Town Board to approve by year-end.
Walking Path: We need to publicize the walking path clean-up project. Pat will get signs made at Olsons.
Illegal Parking Enforcement: Pending
Boathouse Security: Pat was asked to get a price from NYCONN to purchase and install a locked cabinet for the monitor
Downed trees: We got some prices/bids to remove the trees that fell around the lake.
New walkouts and rafts: Hank and Pat reported on their 9/10 visit to Bantam Lake, CT to look at various dock systems.
Ballfield: Construction of the basketball court was awarded to Sport Tech Construction. Prior to construction the boulders need to be removed from court area . Pat will check with Bottge Excavating to see if they are still willing, at no cost to us, to take the boulders to their Brewster facility where they crush stone. We will contact Jim Gagliardo to see if he can load the boulders onto Bottge’s trucks.
Portosans: The ballfield portosan will be removed 10/31/16. The softball league should be finished by 9/25.
Flag Football: Equipment is backordered and should be in by 10/7. Hank will start organizing play time.
Electronic sign: Pending
ID badges: Mike said that Jamie Gagliardo may be able to laminate the badges for us if we have them formatted.
Life guard: The town reimburses lifeguards for their recertification fee of about $250 and has a concern that the PLPD is paying for guards who only put in a few hours during the season. We discussed how payment should be made – either at the end of the season, or on a per/hour basis – and will share that information with the town comptroller.
Advisory Board Member: Our August efforts to find a replacement for Rich Filippelli yielded no results despite advertising in the papers, on our website and on flyers. We will re-advertise asking for resumes to be in to the town clerk’s office by 10/7. We will interview applicants at our 10/20 work session.
Meeting format: The PLPD board discussed the current practice of having a public session followed by a work session on the first Thursday and another work session on the third Thursday. Pat will check with the town to see what, if any, the requirements are.