Board Members in attendance: Mike Ercole, Hank Earle, Laura Russo, Pat Ploeger, Marguerite Shortt, Rich Filipelli, Lucinda Johnson
Salute to the flag
Lake Management: DEC is revamping the application process for Cultrine + and Pat will follow up in 1 month to get a status
Goose egg oiling: Hank will coordinate the volunteers for mid to late April.
Carp Gate: Rich Williams will contact the DASNY about the grant for the carp gate. Ron Gainor has revised the plans for the opening in the fencing to be one inch. We have everything in and ready that has been asked for up to date. Marguerite will look for prices for the carp, and once approved the lake will be lowered in the fall 2016. The carp would be put in the following spring 2017.
Parklands: Hank will talk to Peggy Z and Patty L about Brewster HS volunteers to help with tree removal. Post flyers to recruit volunteers. LADA has been approved for the walking path.
Doggie stations: Five new stations have been delivered and are in the boat house. Hank, Lucinda and Marguerite will install the stations as soon as weather permits.
Trash cans: Domed lids are in the process of being ordered. We are looking for the best match for the cans we have already. We will test out one lid. Then we can make a decision. We are looking to order six more barrels of a similar design that come with domed lids.
Security: We are looking to get an estimate for security at the boat house
Beaches: Sand needed in May.
Mowing: The Town will include the mowing of the beaches separate from the ballfield when they send out the RFP’s.
Bracelets and stickers: The PLPD needs to find vendors that will accept a PO in lieu of credit card or pre-payment.
Ballfield: Hank got an estimate for the backstop and the fence down the right field. Mike will get prices for nets for soccer and lacrosse, etc... Kevin Burns suggested going to local sports store for donations.
Basketball Court: Hank got an estimate for paving the court and fencing for the grant process.
Peckham Grant: Pat, Marguerite and Lucinda worked on the grant application which is due February 15th. We are hoping to review it and complete it for next Town Board Meeting.
Softball: Rich Filipelli will get the 2016 softball budget from Joe Delia by the February 4th meeting.
Little League: Mike is contacting the new Little League president regarding their plans to play on Memorial Field this spring. Pat and Marguerite are trying to meet with Matt from the Town Rec Center to get some ideas on helping us set up youth sports leagues on our field. We want to get kids to use the field for any type of sport.
Website: The dates for all meetings and the list of board members have been updated. Calendar of events has been put on the website.
Newsletter: Any articles we would like to post please send to Pat/Lucinda/Marguerite for a newsletter to be mailed to PLPD residents in March.
Events: We need to start recruiting for volunteers to organize events: Sacred Heart Church will not allow a flyer in the bulletin but will make an announcement at the start of Mass.
Lifeguards: Worker’s compensation forms need to be posted in the boat house and the 2 sheds. Allison Lawlor will be invited to the February work session to talk about lifeguard management.
Parklands: A community service volunteer cleaned trash up along the entire beach, stacked debris at the roadside. He was an excellent worker. We might consider him for other projects.
Handyman: – We need to write a job description, post an advertisement in the paper and get resumes. Then we can interview them.
PLPD Board: Rich Williams is looking at the issues we discussed regarding the waiver of liability. We have the Board Terms for each of the PLPD board members