Board Members in attendance: Mike Ercole, Hank Earle, Laura Russo, Pat Ploeger, Marguerite Shortt, Lucinda Johnson
Pledge of Allegiance
Lake Management: We completed two Cutrine Plus treatments that were successful in keeping the algae at bay throughout the swimming season. For the third year we participated in the Citizens’ Statewide Lake Assessment Program (CSLAP) submitting water samples to the NYS DEC on a bi-weekly basis from May to September.
And for the sixth year, in an effort to keep the goose population down and thereby reduce/eliminate goose waste in the water and on the beaches, we participated in goose egg oiling with great success. We have also put up goose fencing at all of the beaches.
One of the more ambitious projects we are undertaking is introducing triploid (sterile) carp into the lake to eliminate many of the nuisance weeds . Our applications have been submitted to the DEC and have been provisionally approved pending a small design change to the gate. Once we have final approval and the DEC has determined the optimum amount of carp, the lowering of the lake and construction of the gate should take place this fall. The carp can then be introduced in the spring of 2017.
Walking path through the parklands. We had a landscape architect survey the land and in Oct 2015 volunteers put in 90 hours clearing brush and saplings. We are looking for more volunteers to remove the deadfall and take down dead or dangerous trees. We can save a lot of money with volunteers. Then we can start the actual path. A suggestion was made for high school students to help and get community service for the work. We will see if we can get donations of water/food for a volunteer tailgate lunch. Once the trees are removed the trail can be marked and cut.
Dog waste stations: Five stations were put up around the lake. They are working well, so more have been ordered. Trash cans will be put around the lake to eliminate trash/litter.
Beaches: This past year, we contracted out the beach sand spreading. We tried to eliminate the weeds at the beaches but the treatment did not work as well as we had hoped. Hank actually pulled the weeds with some help from volunteers. The Board of Health is very specific about weed-clear swimming areas, so this work has to be done by the first inspection in mid-May. We need volunteers to help with this project as well.
Rafts and walkouts: We are looking to replace the floats and walkouts at Warren Beach, and have applied for a DASNY grant to help pay for them. It is possible, if the grant comes through, that the new floats can be in place this summer.
Mowing: We have yet to determine if we will outsource the mowing of the beaches as we do with the ballfield.
Ballfield: Drainage was addressed this year by putting in a curtain drain and removing the willow trees. The money invested will allow the ballfield to be used by more groups than just the softball team.
The area in the outfield was cleared and graded in preparation for the basketball court. We are waiting for some estimates on blacktop, etc. Peckham Industries is looking to help us with a grant which needs to be submitted by 2/15/16. Whether or not we receive the grant, we will proceed with the construction of the court this spring.
Recreation: The softball league will continue this year and we are hoping to bring in the Little League. We are looking to replace the backstop and clean up the broken fence in the left field.
We are also looking into forming a youth league for various sports. We will put up some soccer nets and hope the kids use it. We also need some volunteers to help organize any type of youth sports. Flag football? Soccer?
Neighborhood Watch: Signs are being put up. We are still accepting donations for signs or stickers. We had a meeting to organize and set up public meetings and plan events. We will have consistent meetings and have set the dates for the entire year. Our plan is to start each PLPD meeting with a neighborhood watch update. Then we will have quarterly large events. Now that we have the dates, we can invite reporters to come.
Communication: We have been using the website, emails, the case at the market, the annual newsletter, as well as the VFW and the firehouse signs to get the word out to the community, but need to add to that to maximize communication. The Town of Patterson is pricing out electronic signboards which will be installed at the VFW and the Putnam Lake firehouse as well as other locations in town. The sign at the firehouse will be dedicated to advertising PLPD and Putnam Lake FD events. The sign at the VFW will advertise town-wide events.
Going forward, the PLPD is committed to keeping expenses down while providing the services the community deserves. We hope that increased communication will increase volunteer participation.