2. All board members were in attendance.
3. A motion was made to accept the minutes from the previous meeting.
4. An update was given on Jackson and Warren beach improvements. Sand will be delivered May 17; after leveling sand, Tom Consolato will bring machinery to Warren Beach and place gravel for the new shed area. The old storage unit was removed from Warren Beach. The town sold it for $190; this will be incorporated in the park district budget. Volunteers will be requested to assist with pulling weeds, setting up rope lanes with floats for swimming, etc. Hank will coordinate work to be performed. New signs will be put up at both beaches as well as all other preparation required for this year’s beach season.
5. A discussion was had regarding the storage unit at the ball field. Joe D’Elia previously stated that it leaks and the board can dispose of it. Further discussion will continue at next month’s meeting as to whether the unit should be kept or not.
6. Dede gave an update on the NYSFOLA conference attended by two board members and an additional volunteer. One issue that is currently prevalent this year in all surrounding lakes is blue-green algae. There cannot be any of this algae type in any swim area; otherwise, the Board of Health can close the beaches until testing is complete. She further explained the protocol for CSLAP. Allied Biological will start testing next week or the week thereafter; CSLAP will start within the month and will run sixteen weeks from the start. An overview was given by Dede concerning remediation methods used to manage lake ecology.
7. Safety issues - John stated there is a lot of fishing at both beaches. Also, it was discussed that speeding vehicles are an issue by both Warren and Jackson beaches. Dede indicated that she had spoken to Russ from the Patterson Highway Dept. concerning this; a possible solution was a temporary speed bump that may be installed on Waterford Road by Warren Beach during summer months to slow traffic down. Also, signs may go up advising 15 mph speed limit at both beaches.
8. Parking at both beaches was discussed. It was explained that cones were used to section off ’no parking’ areas in front of the beach entrances in the past which was very effective. Discussion was had regarding no parking signs in designated areas and possibly painting no parking lines. Further discussion will ensue at the next meeting after further review of the beach areas.
9. Health Department - a detailed review was discussed to inform and confirm lifeguard requirements, water depth markings, weed control, and any additional safety issues prior to the beach inspections on May 22 with Ann Bittner.
10. It was mentioned that the town is charging a fee to the Park District for announcements posted at the VFW bulletin board. Options were considered as to whether a new bulletin board should be utilized by the District only to keep residents informed. Mike advised the fire department is also looking into a new bulletin board for their announcements. All board members were in agreement that a joint effort might be considered that would benefit both organizations and the community. This item will be researched and discussed at future meetings.
11. The board discussed it will be the lifeguards’ responsibility to put up and take down fencing to prevent geese from getting on the beaches. Also, keys should be given to senior lifeguards for their duties. Duane discussed the fee schedule as well; it will follow suit with the prior PLCC payment schedule. Senior Guards have a tiered pay scale from $12 to $13, junior guards earn $10 to $11 based on experience. The supervising lifeguard will earn $14.00 per hour and has additional responsibilities such as scheduling.
12. Lawn bids will be approved on May 22 at the town board meeting.
13. It was discussed that a resident constructed a dock on parkland property without authorization, violating town code and the town is currently investigating.
14. Swim team - Veronica will advise when she will advertise for this; Dede will follow-up.
15. Swim lessons - waiting for BOHA/notification to allow beaches to be open and the PAB is still looking for volunteers to teach the class.
16. Swim team - Duane compiled the swim team budget for the town board’s authorization, as well as recommendations for this purpose. The board discussed the registration fees and tiered structure within, as well as the head coaches salary of $1,000. As in the past, the coaches received one stipend at the end of season. Registration forms and budget will be submitted to the town board for approval.
17. The board discussed beach, parkland usage for Connecticut residents with deeded lake rights. A fee of $100 per household was unanimously voted on. Duane created a registration form for this purpose; a boat registration form is included as well. The fee is required in order to register boat(s) for storage on the parklands, since these residents are not paying taxes to the district.
18. Dede advised that she spoke to Green Chimneys and they have volunteers that may assist in the future with park district clean-up.
19. Mike gave an update on the ball field; he advised that Joe is working on the baseball teams’ roster; also, the leaning post is to be fixed. Other particulars were discussed; Mike and Hank will work together and coordinate with Joe regarding the repairs needed as well as fencing repair/replacement.
20. Meeting was adjourned.