All board members were in attendance.
Also in attendance was Mr. Kevin Burns of the Town Board who is liaison to the PLPDAB.
The Purpose of the meetings is for the Advisory Board to work. The residents are welcome to attend. The chair will accept questions and comments before the end of the meeting and at the end of discussion of a specific agenda item at her discretion and time permitting.
The Board elected a secretary to record the minutes of the meetings. The secretary will prepare the minutes and distribute a draft prior to the next meeting of the board. Board members will raise any objections to the minutes promptly. The minutes will be read and accepted into the record at the next meeting by vote of the board.
Meetings will be held on the first Thursday of the month beginning in January.
Meetings will begin with the pledge of allegiance followed by a roll-call, the reading of the minutes from the previous meeting a motion will be heard to accept the minutes as read or amended.
The meeting will continue with reports from committees, old business, new business and public comment.
The board members will consider whether to adopt Robert’s Rules of Order as a model for the conduct of meetings or not.
Agenda items will be put to a vote on motion requiring a second.
The code of ethics has been read and agreed to by all board members.
Previous water quality test results were distributed to the board as background for future hiring of lake experts to make recommendations as to what the specific water quality issues of the lake are and what strategies can be employed to remediate.
The Park District has been accepted into the CSLAP program which will mean more and better water quality information in the future. Six volunteers will be needed to perform the testing required to participate in the program.
On December 9, 2012, the Board will meet at Warren and Jackson Beach to discuss widening the beach and ways to increase parking. In addition portable lavatory location changes and drainage of road runoff is to be discussed.
The board is in receipt of the Health Code requirements of the Beaches.
Community clean-up and Bonfire the weekend of 12/1 – 12/2 was announced
The board will continue to operate the website As well as website, other methods of communication with residents were discussed including a desire to have space in the glass case at Putnam Lake Market bulletin board.