Softball Budget: We need to submit a budget to the town ASAP with a breakdown. The field maintenance is separate then the expenses of the actual league. Ex. Clay & stones. Majority approved $750 for stipend and also approved the budget.
Tom would like to form a team to walk for American Cancer and Stroke Association with The PLPD name. We all support his effort.
Tag Sale: has a great turnout so far
Easter Egg hunt: was very successful – at least 60+ kids.
Garbage pails: Tom sent out email for garbage cans. Pick a can and then get 3 prices. How many? 6 – decide on which can?
Lifeguard chairs- Hank looked at composite plastic – we need 2 – we have 3 prices. Ready to be sent to the town. All approved
Doggie waste dispensers: signs and bags – get individual bags –5 sets - $369.00 – all approved – Hank to fill out paper work and then ordered by town.
Lake management: no updates, no approval yet for Aquathol-K. Grant – pending
Firehouse board - not decided
Swim team salaries: handed to the town
Swim lessons: Anyone is allowed. Out of towner’s pay more. Age and ability
Life Guards: agreed on salaries. Head life guard – run the life guards Sue will help fill out the paperwork. Pick up the paperwork and fill it out. Hank will hand out the paperwork to the high school kids. They have to watch the work place video and complete a form. What is the starting rate: G, G1, G2, Head Life Guard, Senior Life Guard will schedule, drop off time sheets, pick up paychecks. Is there a process for this? Yes, we have a manual.
Little League: Rob Marturano, Patterson Little League – He would like to have games at the field. All Board members agree. What do we need to start: We need to provide a schedule. Ages up to 12, we can do instructional, if we have a pitching machine; t-ball. Opening day is this weekend – until mid June. Sign up is already completed. Patterson League with mostly Putnam Lake kids. Start about 5:30pm for 6 innings. If too dark end the game. They have their own insurance and it still covers this field (Memorial). Provide the town the certificate of insurance. 14 games each team. Any week days work for us and the Little League will supply the bases. They will supply quick dry. Waive the fee – all board members approved. Pat will check with Mike Griffin to see what we need to do to get this approved by the town.
Parkland Maintenance: Jerry to start cleaning up to start May 1st,44 Lakeshore Drive to remove fence and pound down posts. Locust trees – stumps to be cut down and treated with poison ivy killer. Get a dumpster to get rid of boats.
Docks – Hank to check out the rafts and docks. No new docks. We would need to make repairs to the docks.
Carpenter: Mike Griffin said we can treat a carpenter the same as all others, Approve the salary, security check, work place violence.
Clay for Ball field: We need a price for clay. Hank will email 4 companies.
Neighborhood signs tag poles – Hank to hang the signs. Block captains to mark the posts and send a list of the spots
Board of Health approvals with the beaches. We need worker’s comp certificate. Marguerite to verify all details. Update the address to be the town going forward.
Safety plan is okay.
Rugby team: Black Dragons. Will they be playing? Let us know.
Geese – Pat to purchase posts to put on each beach.