2. The minutes from the previous meeting were accepted.
3. A lengthy discussion was had regarding lake management. Pat advised that she spoke with Town Board Member, Charlie Cook, regarding if and when we are going to receive the reimbursement grant; also, it was discussed that Pat should ask whether the board will have to expend all monies (if received) this year; Pat will contact Charlie for an update. It was also mentioned that the permits will be received by June 23, and Chris Doyle from Allied Biological will be here next week to complete Phase 2 of the weed mapping. It was noted that there is still $44,000 left over from last year’s budget. Concerning the carp gate and weed mapping, one weed map is done and the report has been completed. Copies will be given to Rich, Laura, and Tom for review. Hank advised that the town has a design for the carp gate that was completed a couple of years ago. The cost is approximately $65,000 which includes installation. It was agreed that it will take about two years to add carp to the lake since we may need to lower the lake to repair the damn valve, complete the survey, receive DEC permits, etc. Further discussion ensued concerning potentially using hydro raking as another option for weed removal; Hank will get a price on this.
4. Regarding parkland signs, first, a summary of the Putnam Lake Park District Chapter 116 Town Code was reiterated; it paraphrases that ‘except for designated areas for Town Board use, parking on the parklands or on the lakeshore side of any road abutting Putnam Lake overnight is prohibited. Parking on the lakeshore side of any road abutting Putnam Lake during the daylight hours is permitted providing that the parking is for occasional, recreational use of Putnam Lake and the parklands, and the parking occurs parallel to the road not less than 3 feet, nor more than 10 feet from the edge of pavement. In no case shall parking cause ruts or damage to the parklands.’ Pat spoke with Mike Griffin concerning no parking signage; Mike advised that according to the town attorney, approximately a dozen signs should be adequate if they were placed strategically around the parklands. A recommendation was made for the sign wording: ‘Resident Parking for Parkland Use. No Overnight Parking’. Pat will check with Mike Griffin and the town attorney and advise. Also, whether the town recommends adding ‘Will be towed or ticketed’ for non conformance. Hank added that he will find out if the county sign shop can make them for us.
5. Hank discussed the need for additional parking at Jackson Beach. Preliminary planning such as DEC involvement, engineering work, a preliminary drawing to include pushing back and sloping the designated area, the necessary fill the town may supply, etc was reviewed. Hank will contact Rich Williams to further discuss.
6. Pat and Tom advised they have been working together on the budget. Pat talked with Patricia Brooks, the Town Comptroller, to review. She advised they’ve been working on this year’s budget by fine tuning categories. The annual budget is approximately $131,500 and we’ve committed to spending roughly $83,000 so far. Also, Pat added that we have actual figures from the town. Mary Delanoy, Receiver of Taxes, has collected $129,758 as of June 17. Also, a printout of the budget will be distributed during the first work session of each month for the board’s review. Tom and Pat will continue to refine the budget.
7. Tom discussed breaking the budget down into two parts, the first pertaining to setting future financial goals such as additional water quality and the need to broaden overall priorities. For example, taking one of the beaches and making it handicapped accessible; also, providing more for the elderly. Hank added that Warren Beach is required to be fully accessible. Pat added that other beaches can be friendlier for passive recreation. Tom made additional suggestions such as designating beaches for playing volleyball, an ice skating beach; additionally, building a fireplace, a lean to area. Tom suggested that everyone else come up with their own vision. Also discussed was placing boat racks around the parklands, adding an office area in the boathouse, etc. Hank suggested that we have to start getting contracts out to hire for services. Tom also suggested expanding information on Facebook and Twitter. Hank stated that we also have to consider the five year plan. Tom suggested that everyone takes an item and looks into it. The second part of the budget is the ‘Done List’ to include fencing; also, allocating funds for 2015. Hank suggested that the community needs a new clubhouse; potentially, it could be built at the existing boathouse, in which we can open up the surrounding area, possibly include a volleyball court, parking area, etc. Also, part of the costs may potentially be bonded through the town. It was unanimously agreed that if this is pursued, the community should be aware of this potential proposal and weigh in on the decision making when the time comes. Tom suggested that engineers living here may offer to volunteer their time. Hank also mentioned we need to start looking into the walking trail as well.
8. An update was given on the Softball League. Mike advised there is not roster yet from Joe D’Elia; he will contact Joe about this. The new shed has been approved and Vinny from Eight 4 Five suggested four yards of gravel are needed for set up. Also, the old shed will be removed and the new shed will be built in place. Hank and Mike will order the shed from Home Depot.
9. Mike gave an update on the Swim Team. Gerry Dolan gave him the Piranhas’ meets’ schedule; there are three, home meets. Two start at 8 AM and one starts at 5 PM. There are about twenty kids signed up so far and many sign up the first day of practice. Hank advised he will finish making the kickboards for the team.
10. Concerning the volleyball games, Hank recommended purchasing a volleyball net and balls to keep in the shed at Warren Beach for the community to use; it was unanimously agreed. Also, Mike will contact Barbara See and Bill Poley to let them know this.
11. Hank advised Laura and Rich that he will give them copies of all district files and correspondence for their records.
12. It was mentioned that the board needs to start checking boat ID’s and if not up to date, stickers need to be placed on them. Residents will be given a two-week notice after placement of the sticker; then a one week notice after this; the boats will then be brought to the boathouse. The procedure for an auction was explained; if necessary, Antoinette Kopeck, the Town Clerk, gives a 30 day public notice that she puts in the paper and afterwards, an auction date is set. Also, this would be open to the public. Pat will call Antoinette to discuss.
13. Mike asked if a permit is needed if a group of kids are fishing. It was agreed that as long as it’s not an organized event, no permit is needed.
14. Fencing was discussed; it was decided that new fencing should be considered for all beach areas. However, the fencing at Fairfield Beach and Jackson Beach may be repaired. Three quotes will be obtained for this purpose.
15. A new boathouse sign was discussed; an update will be given at the next meeting.
16. Hank mentioned the upcoming Luau Event and flyers were distributed.
17. The Neighborhood Watch meeting was discussed. Pat will contact Sue Brown regarding posting this notification on the VFW bulletin board.
18. Pat will order three signs to further advertise the Park District website around the community. She will also contact the new facility in Brewster for purchasing beach patrol shirts.
19. The board agreed that we need to recruit people for the maintenance personnel; one for hire and one for back-up purposes.
The meeting was adjourned.