Members in attendance – Hank Earle Patricia Ploeger, Rich Filippelli, Mike Ercole, Laura Russo
Salute to the flag
Minutes: all approved and caught up
Old business:
The grant still in process
Pat made up a RFQ for Aquatic Vegetation Management. It will be sent to 5 vendors. We need it back by Feb 15th. If approved then we can address it at the Town Board meeting at the end of Feb.
Fish reports: to be discussed at a later date. If you get approval from DEC then discuss the fish study or DEC may recommend a fish study.
Town engineer/Town – pending – we will give it a month to hear back and then we make a decision on our next step.
DEC: Approved the goose egg oiling permit
Ball field back stop get quotes: to fix or repair
845’s sign is on the back stop – what will he sponsor – maybe a scoreboard? Let’s see…
Do we want sponsors?
Softball captains meeting with the Board – The baseball league needs to want Joe to be the commissioner. He has to complete the RFQ and he needs to apply to be commissioner of the league. We need to discuss drinking, the bar, litter. We need all line items.
Black Dragons: We need a date and a price. It has been approved by the Town Board.
The No parking signs: code enforcement will now go around and enforce. They will start with warnings. It is in the works.
If people do not have a personal driveway the Town needs to deal with how they handle those people’s cars.
Boat tags – Pat spoke to Antoinette and Discount Label is the place for the stickers and Oriental Trading for bracelets. What color? Bracelets and stickers are the same color. All boats need a sticker. Enforce it all season. Tag the boats and then remove them.
Newsletter: March/April – Tom and Marguerite to organize the letter. Last year we mailed March 1st. Give a tri-fold letter out with bracelets.
Get graffiti remover – Laura will pick up from Paige – remove graffiti from park district signs
Boat house -Light – Motion detector, motorized video, and a wireless chirp alarm, with a LED light.
Parklands: Rafts – Marguerite will meet with someone that wants to see our rafts and then give us prices and let us know what our choices are. If not we will need to repair our current rafts.
Vines and Trees: Hank to get some prices – chip and/or take away. What look do we want? We will not cut any good trees. Just get rid of fallen dead trees. But only cut a tree or prune it for the health of the tree.
Boats: 6 or 7 boats in the boat house. Antoinette will send out the legal notice. Take the boats – after 30 days, post public legal notice 60 days later, auction? Do we need pictures? What are the guidelines? Pat will find out the proper protocol.
Life guards: who is coming back? Hank will start working on this next month.
Swim Team: for each meet can we pay a flat rate. How many hours per day? How many hours per meet?
Winter Gathering: Jan 31st, snow date Feb 1st
Updates for the website – Mike to post some flyers on the website
Permit for the bonfire – Antoinette for the permit
Hydrant – Fire Department will be taking a fire truck down to Hudson to review where to build up the area. End fill to bring it up higher so the fire truck can get back up the road. One tree needs to be removed and the broken fence needs to be removed. We need an update from the fire house on what they want to do and then we can make decisions.
People are using the lake – ice fishing and ice skating
Vandalism at the boat house. Is there more police activity? Yes, we have seen more activity.
Compiling Email addresses: How to handle each list all BCC
Where should we have our meetings? Access? Handicap? We need to vote
Meeting schedule to remain the same for 2015 ( update as needed )
Neighborhood watch signs are in and need to be picked up. Mike can pick up and put in the boat house. Then we need volunteers to put the signs up. 10 signs per district. We can still use some funds for the signs.
LED Sign at the Fire House we can split the price of the sign. One side the sign will say Putnam Lake Park District leaving the lake and coming into the lake it will say Putnam Lake Fire Department. The LED display will scroll items to be displayed.