Salute to the flag
Minutes: Pending for 3/3/16
Lake Management: SOLitude has all the necessary information to apply to the DEC for the Cutrine Plus permit.
Goose egg oiling: Breeding season generally starts at the beginning of April although they may start earlier this year due to the warm weather. Pat will notify Hank when she sees the beginning of nesting activity.
Carp : Marguerite reported that there are no updates from the DEC regarding approval for the carp.
Walking Path: Hank prepared a flyer to recruit volunteers for clearing the walking path April 2nd at 10am
Trash Cans: The new can lids are in and fit well. Pat stated that we should have a trash barrel out all year long at the ball field. The town is checking to see if the AAA Carting can pick up the beach and parkland trash. Marguerite presented the board with a selection of recycling receptacles for the beaches and ballfields and was asked to choose the ones she thought were most suitable.
Boat house security: We have quotes for alarm/security companies and have contacted Town Hall for approval to proceed..
Beach Sand: Hank will send an RFQ to contractors to supply the sand and spread it.
Weed removal: Hank prepared an RFQ for weed removal in the swim area of each beach.
Docks: Hank will set up a date for a visit to see Easy Docks.
Goose Fencing: Marguerite will look into retractable goose fencing for the beach shoreline so that the lifeguards can easily remove them . She will also look into plastic owls and coyotes.
Ballfield: Hank and Rich will prepare an RFQ for purchasing clay. We need it the 1st week of April, but will first have to get Town Board approval. Pat will send out the RFQ for the backstop and dugout fencing.
Softball team: Rich F. will check to see if the teams want to donate money to buy an electronic scoreboard. If not, we will have the handyman make a new wooden board. Pat will order the softballs thru the Rec Center.
Guardrail & the culvert: Pending with Rich Williams.
Boulder removal: Mike will organize having them removed.
Swim Team: We need a new person to run the swim team as the coordinator. We will email and hang a few signs recruiting a swim team coordinator.
Bracelets and stickers: We have the bracelets and the boat stickers. Boat stickers must be on all watercraft including kayaks. We propose that each person picking up a boat sticker must read and sign the form.
Youth Sports Leagues: Pat and Marguerite will meet with Matt Ciabara at the Rec Center to discuss forming sports leagues.
Wings over Water: Pat, Marguerite and Alicia met with them and were impressed with their approach to teaching children to be comfortable and safe in the water. They are working on a proposal for us. They will do a group or place our kids in groups that already exist. Possible time frame: 10am-12noon. They want a survey from us to see how many are interested and if the price is okay. We will hand them out at the Easter egg hunt.
Little League: We will have 2 teams. Mike will work on available dates.
Electronic Sign: Pending with the Town Board - we really need it: activities; emergencies, etc. We will have an official letter sent to the town board stating our need for communication for emergency purposes, recruiting volunteers, etc.
Press Notices: Pat thanked Lucinda for getting notices out to the media.
Lifeguards: Hank stated that the lifeguard manager is a serious position. There is a list of rules that have to be adhered to. We all need to update and review the rules. Hank has received some interest in the position. We need some resumes and then we can interview them at the April 21st work session.
Handyman: We received a few resumes for the position. Pat will notify applicants that we will be interviewing after the public session on April 7th.
Waiver of Liability: At their March 3rd meeting the Town Board discussed our need to be covered for liability in much the same way a paid employee would. They also mentioned several other issues that Pat and Marguerite discussed with Rich on March 4th. Rich assured the board that we were operating well within our budget and were doing an outstanding job.
Other business: Marguerite brought up the perception problem the PLPD has with residents thinking that we are not taking care of the parkland because all they see of the lake is the unsightly weed and sapling growth along Haviland Dr. from Waterford to Parma. She asked if we could contact the county to ask that they maintain that area as well as addressing the terrible and dangerous state of potholes and broken asphalt along the shoulder.
Putnam Lake Clean up day: April 30