The meeting was called to order and the following board members were in attendance: Hank Earle; Mike Ercole, Patricia Ploeger, Rich Filippelli, Marguerite Shortt, and Laura Russo.
Salute to the flag
Minutes – 9/18 and 10/2 should be approved to post
Old Business – grant – still pending
Weed mapping – Mid November – we will get a hard copy and soft copy – the town also gets a copy.
Tonetta Lake – Loves the carp Marguerite to get more info and details – clarity of the water is great.
Based on the DEC’s decision – we will see the pros and cons and decide how to proceed from there. Post the findings on the website. We will keep researching
Fall clean up – Saturday -11 am to 3 – remove the docks and rafts – we have the bags and hot dogs, etc…we need help organizing it
Fence is up – Duke did a great job – looks good – one piece crunched and there is a gap from the wall to the fence. Needs something to fill in the gap. Beach is clean. Once Hank approves it; Pat will drop off Ed Garrity’s bill to the town. We still need Duke’s bill.
Pat & Hank looked at Hudson’s beach fence – may need a 6 ft fence because of the way the land is. Maybe hire someone to remove the fence and trees intertwined in the fence.
Johnson, Jackson, Fairfield Beaches – we need a plan of what is needed to be done to each.
Erosion, swings, benches, BBQ’s, - Get an over all plan then do each improvement so we do not have to re-do anything in the future.
Jackson’s fence has to be a priority.
Looking to plan an overall restoration of all the beaches. – post to website
Hudson – gap in the fence, remove it. It needs some work. Send out a quote for the Hudson Beach – it was decided to start with a game plan first
Find a landscape architect – engineer – to look at topography.
Pat to ask people and Hank will ask a few people for recommendations
Benches – recycled plastic – concrete footings? – yes size - 4 feet, 6 or 8 feet
Walking path – past the road line – looks pretty open – just over grown with vines. Call and get a price to get the vines removed. Try to get a volunteer group to start working to clean up the area on Lake Shore Drive. Make a flyer and post on the website to try and get volunteers. Pat will pick a date and give Mike the flyer to post on the website.
No maintenance work this weekend – it’s a volunteer work weekend – if we need something done contact Dave for additional time and work.
Ball field drainage – Rich got 3 bids - $5k in the budget – all 3 bids state the willow trees need to come down. Otherwise we will have more issues down the road. Prices do not include the removal of the trees.
We will write up what we want and then resend to all 3 for new estimates. Need each one’s email addresses.
Basketball Court – Hank spoke to someone that did one in Pawling. Hank will go look at it. $30K it could be a tennis court also – asphalt - Doug Hern for just black top not including a sub base - $19, 250. It doesn’t include hoop and pole. Blacktop prices 1st, then have it sealed, decorative,
Are we going to police the kids? No, so we need to ask the town to fund it or help fund it. The town owns the ball field. Let’s make a deal with the town. We need something for the youths in this area. Local walk to or ride bikes to. Pat and Marguerite will go see Rich Williams.
It is for all of Patterson residents. We can put some parking in near the basketball court
Mike Ercole’s quote was for 75K – it gets delivered and someone needs to put it together. Just get’s dropped on the concrete base
Baseball backstop – Rich F - is going to get a price for a scoreboard.
Marguerite needs to talk to the town about our own sign. One large sign or 2 separate signs. Maybe consider a digital sign? She will do a preliminary with Rich Williams.
BCC emails – Mike tested it and it worked
Neighborhood watch meeting was fine – not a huge turnout but the people that did show up – showed interest. Pat ordered and paid for the stickers – her donation.
Do we want to budget for 2015 for the neighborhood watch? Is this a project of the PLPD?
Let’s try to make this self funding – we need to find out who the checks should be made payable to:
Donation to church – get a check from the town for the first week of Dec
Remove boats by Nov 22nd – look for volunteers to help move boats to people’s homes.
The trailer to be stored on the parklands while decorating it.
Hudson hydrant – there is no turn around – the grade doesn’t allow a fire truck down and back up because of the dip in the road. They can remove the fence and re-grade it. Then we can put up a new fence later on.
Ryan Taylor gave us great info for contact water and soil conservation at Cornell Ext – They get grants and they might be able to help us using grants.
Marguerite will get information on what vegetation will benefit the water.