Board Members in attendance: Hank Earle, Laura Russo, Pat Ploeger, Marguerite Shortt, Mike Ercole
Salute to the Flag
Lake Management: The RFQ for 2017 algaecide treatment was sent to applicators on 10/13. The bids are due on November 3rd at which time we will recommend the low bidder to the Town Board.
Boat Motor: Mike will ask the PLFD to prepare an invoice for the outboard motor so that the Town can issue a check and the motor can be transferred to the boathouse.
Walking path: The work started on September 24th. Hank, Pat, Lucinda and David Johnson cleared the Lacona Beach area putting in a total of 16 hours. On October 15th Hank and Pat were joined by his son, nephew, and Ken and Stacy Meade. The plan is to continue until bad weather hits. We are still looking for more volunteers.
Illegal parking: Pat met with Bob McCarthy to ask for enforcement of the parking laws. He requested that Pat provide him with the addresses where the violations are taking place.
Boathouse: Because of the damage to the entry door, the new lock should be installed.
Maintenance: Pat will draw up a list of items for Gerry to do by the end of the year.
Tree removal: We need a revised estimate for the downed trees, since the lake will not be lowered this season. Pat will contact the companies and confirm bids for approval at the November 3rd meeting.
Dock removal: Hank will have prices to remove the docks from the lake by the November 3rd meeting.
Shoreline remediation: When the lake is lowered next fall we will be able to put in bulkheads on the beach areas that have eroded.
Basketball Court: SportTech started construction on Monday, October 17th. Weather permitting it will be completed soon.
Ballfield: We need an overall long term plan for the field including fencing, benches, picnic table, soccer, etc.
Scary Movie Night: Sat 10/22 @ Warren Beach – bring chairs – popcorn will be provided
Flag football: Pat said that the supplies are on backorder. We should discuss ways in which the PLPD and the Rec Center can work together to promote sports activities for our youth.
Electronic sign: Marguerite will contact various sign companies to get prices for the electronic signboard.
Website: Update minutes on the website and send to the town clerk
Photo ID: Pictures will be taken on 11/3 at the November public meeting
Board member: We still need another board member. At the end of the 2016 season the term ends for another board member. We need to replace that position also.
PLFD Christmas Parade: The PLPD will participate in this year’s parade and approved the $100 expense.
November 17th work session is cancelled.