(No Public Session) No public Attendance
In attendance: Pat Ploeger, Hank Earle, Mike Ercole, Lucinda Johnson, Marguerite Shortt
Carp gate/Carp: The carp gate cannot be built this year since the DASNY grant paperwork has not yet been received back from Albany in time for lake drawdown and bidder notification etc.
PLFD Outboard Motor: Approval given by PLBAB to purchase a 25 hp outboard motor from the Putnam Lake FD for $800.00
Algaecide treatment for 2017: The PLPD Board approved the Algaecide RFQ.
Rich Williams had questions on some of the specifications so the RFQ will be sent to the Town for approval.
Walking Path: Lucinda said she had volunteers from Danbury HS for Pumpkin Event and suggested that we try to get students from area high schools. Pat will contact Ginny Nacerino at Brewster HS regarding students possibly helping with light work on the path. We received a call from a resident who asked if they could remove the downed wood along the walking path.
Illegal parking: Bob McCarthy has not gotten back to Pat yet. She will speak to him this week.
Boathouse security: The locked cabinet was installed in boathouse by NYCONN.
Report of possible break in was investigated by Sheriff.
Maintenance: Pat will compile end of season list for Gerry Doyle including
-Taking down yellow DEC notices
-Check doggie stations
-Taking boats out
Tree removal: We have bids from Bill Henry, Osario, and Woodlands Tree Service.
Since the lake will not be lowered this year, Pat will check with bidders to see if their prices will be affected.
Pat will cancel beach portasans and trash pick-up effective October 31st.
Dock removal: Hank will write and send out RFQ.
Flag football games: Pat will follow up on delivery from BSN Sports.
2017 Rec Center Programs for Putnam Lake: At the recent budget meeting Charlie Cook said that he talked to Matt Chibara at the Rec Center about Putnam Lake participation in Rec Center programs. Pat told the Town Board that the PLPD was eager to participate and suggested that programs be held at Memorial Field using Rec Center staff.
Electronic message board: Marguerite will work on getting information from
various companies for sign.
Mike working on website update.
Lucinda working on sending out press notices for meetings and Park District events.
We will be taking photo IDs for badges at our November 3rd meeting. Alicia will format them and send them to Jamie Gagliardo who will laminate them.
Maintenance: Hank and Pat will be working on per hour cost, work order form, and list of priority work tasks for handyman.
Lifeguard recertification reimbursement policy: Patricia Brooks is working on a formula for cents per hour increase
Pat will contact Attorney Rossi with waiver of liability questions.
Laura made a list of untagged and improperly stored boats to be removed.
2017 Season
Pat will prepare manuals for Swim Team and Lifeguards.
Equipment will be assessed for needed repairs or replacement.