Minutes: 2/18/16 Work Session
Board Members in attendance: Mike Ercole, Hank Earle, Laura Russo, Pat Ploeger, Marguerite Shortt, Rich Filipelli, Lucinda Johnson
Salute to the flag
Minutes: 1/7 and 1/21 both approved
Allied: March the paperwork should be ready
Goose egg: Breeding starts beginning of April
Carp Gate: Rich Williams will contact the DASNY about the grant for the carp gate. We have the permit for the gate and it has been approved.
Parklands: Hank will make up flyers to recruit volunteers to cutting down trees and take the wood with them.
Doggie stations: Hank, Lucinda, Rich and Marguerite will install the stations. Aim for a nice day. Possibly by the Sunday the 21st of Feb about 1pm. Meet at the boat house.
Trash can lids: We are looking for the best match. We will test out one lid. Marguerite will order one. Then we can make a decision after we get one to see if it fits. If we need more we will get 6 new trash cans and lids.
Security: Boat house security is pending with Town Hall.
Beaches and Sand: March time frame
Bracelets and stickers: Marguerite has the bracelets on the way. They will be here Feb 22nd. The boat stickers will be ordered soon by town hall. Boat stickers must be on all watercraft including kayaks. We propose that each person picking up a boat sticker must read and sign the form.
Ball Field:
Soccer Nets: Mike got prices for nets for soccer 6x6;6x9,12x6 - $139 + put out nets and people will use them. For this year 2016 let’s stick with softball; basketball; and soccer. Mike will get more specific prices
Electric scoreboard: it is very expensive, so maybe we should have a handyman make one. Maybe we can get some donations for the electric one
Basketball Court: Rich Williams would like some specs of the basketball court
Norway Spruce trees should be planted in early spring and we need the boulders moved out so we can start the basketball court. The trees need to be watered frequently. Put out an RFQ for the trees and planting.
Softball: We have the budget. They have 12 teams.
Little league: we need more kids to join Patterson little league and then we can get some games at our field
Swim Team: We need a new coordinator. $125 to join out of district with no beach rights.
Swim Lessons: There will no swim lessons this year. We have no one certified to give swim lessons. Marguerite will contact Wings over Water to see if they will give Putnam Lake residents a discount if we do not offer lessons this year??
Pat and Marguerite are going to meet with Matt at the Rec Center to get some ideas on helping us set up outside sports on our field.
Town Signs: Electric signs are pending
Newsletter: We need articles. We will put a recap of last year. List of events. Pictures
Public notices will be posted by Lucinda – on News12
Lifeguard management flyer / Maintenance Man / Lifeguard job description pending approval
Waiver of Liability – Pending with Rich Williams
Parking on the Park Land/Lake property: Parking enforcement: Pending until 3/9 public meeting