Lake Management:
PLFD outboard motor: invoice received and once it is vouchered, we can pay the Firehouse and they will deliver to the boathouse
2017 Cutrine+: RFQ’s have been received, low bid was unanimously approved: Solitude
Carp Gate: Pending
Walking path: At this point let’s have Terri Hahn and Rich Williams meet at the walking path to discuss the process, progress and how to proceed
Parade: We will get a check for the entrance fee to give the PLFD
Hedge trimmer head can’t be sharpened – it needs to be replaced – let’s see what our options are
Tree Removal: Approval to remove the trees around the lake – the board unanimously approved: Bill Henry
Send another RFQ to chip the branches near the road
Dock removals: Hank will try to get prices this week
Flag Football: Possibility of having a game on Thanksgiving Day
Patterson Town sign @VFW: we will follow the process for posting the events
Electronic sign: Let’s get the information to purchase a sign
Budget should be approved by the Town Board by our next visit
Provided individual pictures to Alicia to make ID badges
We are on schedule for hydro seeding the basketball court area. The size is 84x50 with an apron around it