Members in attendance – Hank Earle, Tom Douglas, Marguerite Shortt, Laura Russo, Rich Filipelli, Pat Ploeger
Pledge of Allegiance
Lake Management: Herbicides worked. Leafy pond weed is very hard to clean up. Algae is still there. Board of Health approved. New sand has arrived. New life guard chairs arrived. Depth markers need to be darker. Doug did a nice job with the sand. Life guards are ready.
Beaches are ready to open.
Get prices to pull weeds for next year - Ball Pond has a group Northeast that will come in the fall and clean up the weeds. We need a good spring clean up next year.
Algaecides: will be applied once there is a presence of algae. Filamentous algae has been spotted. Pat will ask about it. It is all approved and in the budget. We have to give 7 days notice to the DEC before applying algaecides.
Carp: Marguerite called the DEC about the Carp. She read an article in the DEC newsletter that Mahopac is re-applying for carp and spoke to the person that wrote the article about the process. Our application is on his desk. It has to be published in the local papers. Start the process: if we get approved for carp; we need a carp gate; The DEC wants to hear from the community pro and con; we have to approve the budget to buy a gate. Get a price on the gate; what does the town need from us? The carp will be small and will grow over time. What is the approval process, public hearing?
Grant: Pending
Out of District memberships: Rezone to the local Fire District, optional usage or open the park district to the fire district. Explore all possible options.
Garbage cans – approved by the board. Tom gave 3 quotes to Hank. Uline the preferred vendor. Going to the town board for approval.
Doggie posts: Ribbons will be put on Friday 5/22 and Hank can put up the signs on existing poles.
Maser Consulting PA: (Architectural estimate) We haven’t heard back from them yet. Marguerite and Pat chatted with Rich Williams and he recommends we discuss this process with the town board first for approval. Pass all large expenditures by the board. We wanted a price for the walk around. Also get a price from Rich William’s recommended vendor. Pat will call and get an idea of how much to do the walk around.
We need clarification from the town if we are a special district.
What should our first project be? 1st project should be a walking path from Interlaken to Lacona. Maybe have the Boy Scouts to do an Eagle Scout project??
Beaches and parklands: Tim Costanlano- life guards - Ann – feels she should get more $ as a life guard, she is a G2 and only gets $10.82 per hour and wants more money. She gets $15 per hour as a swim instructor to teach the kids to swim. She is guaranteed hours. She has a 2 year contract and we reimburse for the course.
Swim Team: 1 swim coach will be from the Patterson Rec Center. Get the 3 coaches approved
Giovanni met with Pat, Marguerite & Hank – he wants to do this for the community. Walkouts – waiting for prices.
Boat house: shingles are done. Soffit is completed.
Flowers / Barrels at the beach – under $300 to have nice flowers on both beaches. Alicia will organize Neighborhood Watch: signs are ready and should be put up this weekend. Email address: We all should have access to the email list