Present: Hank Earle, Mike Ercole, Marguerite Shortt, Laura Russo, Rich Filipelli, Pat Ploeger and Councilman Pete Dandreano.
Minutes: approval pending
Lake Management: Allied Biological will apply Aquathol K at both Warren and Jackson Beaches on Monday, May 11th. Signage will be posted the day of application to advise residents to stay out of the water for 24 hours.
Basketball Court: After a site visit with several town officials, Pat met with John Dillon of Laurel Oaks Contracting to get a ballpark estimate for tree removal, drainage and site preparation. Due to budget constraints, the actual construction of the court(s) may have to be deferred until next year. This will give the area a chance to settle and compact.
Parklands: Hank will be contacting contractors to give an estimate for clearing the area north of Interlaken to Lacona as a first step in constructing a walking path. Five doggie bag stations will be put up around the lake as a convenience to dog walkers. Residents are reminded that a “pooper scooper” law is in effect for the entire park district, not only the parklands.
Beaches: The Town Board approved hiring the lifeguards that the Advisory Board recommended. New lifeguard chairs were purchased for each active beach, and board members will meet with GTX Construction at Warren Beach on Thursday, May 15th to look at the possibility of purchasing new walkouts and floats. 2015 wristbands and boat stickers will be available at Warren Beach on May 16th and 17th. The beaches will be open on weekends starting on May 23rd, and seven days a week starting June 25th.
Out-of-District Membership: Hank explained that the PLPD has been asked to look at the possibility of opening up beach and parkland to those members of our community who may live just past the church or the market and can no longer participate. The Advisory Board will continue to open this up for discussion through the summer.
US Communities: Marguerite explained that US Communities is a nationwide purchasing cooperative that allows public entities and non-profits to take advantage of the preferred pricing that they are able to obtain. They also have a grant program which the PLPD may be able to use to get equipment. She and Pat will meet with the NYS representative on June 15th to explore options.
Sluice Gate: The town has ordered the gate and they are waiting for its arrival to send out the RFQ’s. The dam is the responsibility of the town and the expense of the repairs will come out of the general budget, not the PLPD’s.
Neighborhood Watch: Pat is waiting for all of the captains to send a list of posts to put the signs on. In response to a question from the public, Pete will see if the NW Facebook page can be shared.
Public Relations/Communications: Hank reminded everyone that they should look at the case at the market for upcoming events and activities.
Boat Auction: The auction made over $1600, enough to pay for the new lifeguard chairs.
Tag Sale: The sale generated $110 with about 24 tables.
Little League: The league is back at the ballfield after many years. The next game is on May 13th. The fees were waived for this year. We would like to get more teams in the league and encourage Putnam Lake children to get involved.
Carp: The application has not yet been approved by the DEC. When it is approved we will need pricing for the installation of the gate and for the carp. Herbicides would be the alternative to carp and we want to stay away from chemicals as much as possible.
- The PLPD will continue to hold its public meetings on the first Thursday and its work sessions on the third Thursday of each month.
- Pete Dandreano said that he would like to have a locksmith or someone from the ASPCA at the next Neighborhood Watch meeting. He also noted that the Child Safety day held on April 26th and sponsored by the Patterson Chamber of Commerce was not well attended. It might be better if combined with another event or at another time of the year.