Public Session:
Pledge of Allegiance
Minutes: Approved
Lake Management: Algicides will be done when the time is right.
Geese egg oiling will be done Sunday April 19th
Go get your boat stickers at Town Hall. Put boats on March 1st. Must remove by Dec 1st or subject to $75 fine for boats returned.
May 16 & 17th come to Warren beach to get your wrist bands and boat stickers
All boats need stickers. Only people that are PLPD members can bring in boats and or access the lake. It will be strictly enforced this year. The DEC did check for permits for ice fishing this year.
The Newsletter and DEC notification mailing was received by all
Basketball Court: Waiting for prices and estimates
Grant: Pending Carp Gate grant.
Ballfield: Drainage: Willow Tree removal. Trees have been removed
Curtain Drainage: Construction will start April 15th. Redoing what was there. Memorial field – 2 new flags to be put there.
Parkland: Clear vines and dead trees now that the snow is gone
Doggie dispensers around the parkland start with 5 and see how it goes and if we need more we will get them.
New business: Electronic sign to be put at the firehouse. Verify with the county for placement with size and location. $8k split 50/50. PLPD & PLFD. We can schedule events on the sign via wifi
Out of District members: Open discussion, opinions,and concerns from members of the community will continue to be heard. This subject will remain on the PAB Agenda for discussion.
Some concerns and discussion this month: Do a lottery or first come/first serve – but will be interviewed prior to make sure the reason is valid for joining.
-The taxes went up a few pennies and there was no mention of it. But it is by the value. Over all valuation of property
-There will be a hearing and a vote
-I live on Brimstone and I am not allowed to come to the lake. I would be happy to pay to join. Opening it up to people that are in local area.
-What about making it by school district? If those kids all play together it would be wise allow those people to join.
-Have you talked to the town attorney about liability? We can do what we want? Just need to have a public hearing
and then vote.
-Make the price fair. Possibly assess at the same price of .49 cent per $.
-Parking is an issue. How and where to park? The purpose of the lake is to use it.
-All things need to be worked out. We are a community and the tax map doesn’t show that. People just out of the area are not part of the community. We will explore all issues and brainstorm to make it work.
Neighborhood watch signs: Town highway department signs: stop signs, Ginny Nacerino will help find out if we can put them on County signs.
Glass case at the market gets updated monthly.
Community clean up day: 4/18/15: The town will supply bags for the cleanup day. Walk around the lake clean up debris and dump it in the dumpster.
Tag Sale – 30+ people signed up at the Ball field
Boat Auction- 10 am at boat house. About 5 boats.
Landscaping will be done by 845 for mowing grass only.
Bill Henry removed the willow trees.
Carp: We did a weed study last year and Allied and the town submitted the application to the DEC. If approved we will discuss and vote/approve or not. The DEC according to Allied they may take 1 year or two to get approval. Every lake has carp except for Putnam Lake