2. Lake Quality - three volunteers will be going to the NYSFOLA conference this weekend; will advise of items discussed upon return.
3. Daily Operations - no update at this time.
4. Portosans - two will be delivered at Warren beach as soon as possible.
5. Dede will make arrangements with Antoinette Kopeck regarding residents picking up wristbands and boat stickers at the market for their convenience.
6. Warren and Jackson beaches are being scheduled to open on May 27; pre-season inspection with Ann Bittner from the Putnam County Health Department will take place mid May. Weeds will be pulled on both beaches on May 11 and 12. The board will continue with projects for inspection approval. Specifics are: Hank will put the ladders on rafts, float lines and buoys will be ordered and secured, signage will go up, etc. Also, the town will be auctioning the existing shed at Warren Beach in the near future.
7. Dede advised that a policy and recommendation for Connecticut residents with deeded lake rights was put forth. Connecticut (out-of-district) residents are subject to the same laws in Chapter 116 as all other residents. Duane created a separate registration form for these residents, but may modify it to include boat registration as well. He’ll advise at the next meeting. CT residents will pay a $100 registration fee for use of the beaches and parklands, and then they can get their boats registered and tagged. There was discussion about including a small percentage of out-of-district residents, particularly those who have previously utilized the beaches. It was decided that the parklands are being held for the deed-holders only.
8. The board approved Tom Consolato to continue with parkland improvements at Warren Beach. Bids TBA for renting machinery for improvements, as well as new sand to be placed on the beach.
9. New garbage and recycling containers will be purchased for the beaches. A dumpster will be considered in addition to weekly pickup based on the amount of garbage collected.
10. Dede advised the lawn bid has to be approved on May 22. Vinny from 845 will be contacted in the interim for mowing the ball field; the board approved.
11. Mike advised that Joe D’Elia paid $10,455 to the town towards the men’s softball league. The balance will be paid next week. Mike will call the town to follow-up.
12. Tracfones - Duane advised purchasing two Tracfones for $50 each, totaling $100. The phones will be utilized by lifeguards on duty at Warren and Jackson beaches for emergency purposes.
13. Other business - Ball field - Mike gave an update. Joe asked for supplies in the amount of $422 to make repairs at the field. The board discussed whether to repair or replace fencing in the near future. The budget will be reviewed by the board and further discussion will ensue at the next meeting. Hank and Mike will discuss any supplies needed with Joe for maintaining the field.
14. Boats on the parklands – Two stickers were created to notify residents that (1) Registration stickers are required for storing boats on the parklands and (2) if a boat is to be removed for non-compliance with chapter 116. The board approved the notices. Stickers will be placed on boats without registration stickers this season.
15. Duane distributed an updated, working budget for the board’s review.
16. Meeting was adjourned.