Allied Biological will notify us when the permit is sent to the town
Permit is renewed for goose egg oiling 2nd week April. We need a boat and three volunteers. Hank will organize it.
Walking path: we need a crew to start clearing trees. Hank will design a flyer to get volunteers. Brewster Schools’ Peach Jar may be another avenue. We should explore advertising in Sacred Heart church’s bulletin as well as on Comcast’s Channel 8.
Pat will measure the trash cans to see what domed lids will fit and place an order. Hank asked Pat to look into setting up an account with Uline, so we can order trash bags and other items.
Pat will order the 2016 wristbands and boat stickers in royal blue.
Hank is getting a price on black, heavy gauge wire fencing for the ballfield. He is also obtaining an estimate for the basketball court construction which can be used in the Peckham grant application.