Members in attendance – Hank Earle, Pat Ploeger, Marguerite Shortt, Mike Ercole, Laura Russo, Rich Filippelli
Salute to the flag
Minutes: Approved
Old business:
Lake Management: DEC permits left Allied Biological on 3/9/15 to Albany via Fed-ex – 45 - 60 days for renewal application approval. Next year we start to this process sooner so it is approved by the end of January. The Town approved Allied Biological .
Grant: Pending Carp Gate grant – Rich Williams may have paperwork in writing for the carp gate.
Rich also sent in the final paperwork for the carp approval. The DEC will tell us the amount of carp recommended. We do not need to have that amount.
Fire Department Community Board: Mike Ercole said we will split what is fair. We need to talk to the county first and make sure we are in compliance on a county road and size restrictions before we purchase it. One side Fire House and one side PLPD.
Out of District members: possibility of additional members, must be local and pay a fee. We asked the town last week about it. It was brought up at the Town Board Meeting. We need to check with current members. Then we need a public hearing. It needs to go to a vote. It was complicated to become a PD. Worded at our discretion. We need to define the boundaries and amount of families. How do we want to word it: possibly 25 families? A lottery? It will be discussed at the next meeting.
Parkland maintenance: Hank will call Sue and verify what the proper process for hiring staffing. We do need to mow the beaches.
Ballfield Drainage: Pat Ploeger has a RFQ for the curtain drainage. We are sending it out to 4 companies.
Basketball Court: Pat spoke to Rich Williams, we want site prep, scope of the area - ASAP
Andrew Fetherston will come to 3/19 work session and give us prices in increments not to break the budget.
Need weeping willows taken down. Pat M. provided a tree guy’s phone number.
Doggie waste stations: put them up on the no parking signs. Marguerite to get prices for 5 stations – post, signs, bags Then we can make a decision at the next meeting
Docks and walk outs – Mike got a price of $30k – life time warranty – we want plastic, fiberglass, not wood. Fix the docks this year if we can’t get new docks. New docks we will get pricing for next year.
Neighborhood watch: Each block captain should choose 10 spots in each district. Red tape and mark on the map the cross streets. Mike Ercole will buy all the nuts and bolts as a donation.
Glass case at the market– maybe we should update it monthly. We will add the boat auction notice, and a note about a meeting to discuss additional at the meeting on the 19th to have April 14th public session
Softball meeting - we will go to the softball captain’s meeting – Rich to get the date of the meeting.
Swim Team: Does Gerry Dolan want to run the life guards – Mike Ercole will ask her.
Head Coach @ $12 per hour @ 15 hours per week @ 6 weeks $1080.00
1st assistant @ $9 per hour @15 hours per week @ 6 weeks - $810
2nd assistant @ $8 @ 15 hours per week @ 6 weeks - $720
Recruitment of lifeguards: send in their application to the town. Hank will email all past lifeguards to see who is coming back. We need to pick dates available for the life guard management program
Board of Health Approvals for the beaches – Marguerite to discuss with Ann Bittner when the package will be available
Mailing: $300 for the mailing / $490 for postage. Boat stickers are in at the town hall. Not sure if the bracelets are in yet.
Boat Storage: Enforce proper boat storage
Marguerite will call the county about the old faded signs in the area and get them replaced.