- The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.
- All board members were in attendance.
- A motion was made to accept the minutes from the previous meeting.
- Dede announced that everyone should have received the Park District newsletter in the mail. She also indicated that additional information concerning The Best Practices for Living in a Lake Community is on the website; it outlines suggestions on how residents can help improve water quality when living near a lake. The board is also creating a brochure that outlines a map of the district to include where beaches are located, accessibility around the parklands, etc.
- Also mentioned was the new phone line available to residents. The Park District phone number is (845)878-6500 ext. 41. A message can be left at this number with questions or comments.
- Regarding beach operations, all is going well. There has been a good turnout at the beaches, and many families have gotten their beach ID bracelets. It was mentioned that all residents who use the beaches need to get their bracelets at the town clerk's office during the week. Dede opened up an audience discussion asking for input on whether gates should be locked at the beaches as suggested by the town code enforcer. Dede indicated there is nothing specifying in the code that gates are required to be locked. Several community members offered suggestions and asked questions. Dede advised that the board will continue to get feedback and then make a decision.
- Swim lessons were discussed. The board advised it was the intention to provide them for any resident; however, there were issues with WSI certification. So far, there haven't been any inquiries for lessons. It was mentioned that at least 15 kids need to sign up to start the Hudson Valley lessons at the lake. Patti Lawlor asked if there's not enough interest in this program, maybe Wings Over Water, a swim facility in Brewster, could be contacted for a potential discount. The board will look into this.
- Sue Logue advised the board that lifeguards aren't checking for beach ID wristbands. The board has asked all lifeguards to check, and will ask the guards to be more assertive in checking from now on. Additional discussion was had concerning checking tags on boats. The object is to get unused and/or damaged boats off the parklands. Fifty percent are currently tagged properly. A notice was added in the newsletter to remind residents to get boat tags. The board will do everything possible to notify the owners before removing boats.
- It was announced that the Patterson Little League may be interested in having baseball games at the ball field because so many Patterson Little Leaguers are from PL. Discussion will take place later on in the year.
- Lake Quality - Dede advised there has been ongoing water sampling. Allied Biological will test at the end of the month. CSLAP testing will be done through October. Ashley Winward, a local college student, has been helping with the testing. Additionally, Dede mentioned that she will be going to a regional FOLA seminar and invited anyone to attend. Recently, information came back on blue green algae samples. Toxicology tests are not back yet. The Health Dept. will continue to test; unless it is visibly seen, the beaches will remain open. Swimming is not an issue at this time unless swimming in a scummy area; information will be posted on the website. The board advised that Allied Biological will do mapping of the worst time for plant growth. Dede passed around photos and a sample of the water chestnut weeds that were hand-pulled by the board. She explained it's an invasive weed coming in full force. Duane added that a small popualtion can start a big problem (i.e., one acre of water chestnuts can produce one hundred acres the following year.) Seeds sit in the muck for up to twelve years; the board hand-pulled about eight to ten canoe boats filled of these weeds recently. Every year, the crop should get less and less if managed.
- Sue Logue advised that two lifeguards were sitting and talking to two, young men while on duty at Jackson Beach recently. Dede's assessment was the lifeguards are doing pretty well, but will look into the complaint. Regarding geese waste, the maintenance man and lifeguards are cleaning up every day. The board will consider having a meeting with the lifeguards to discuss any issues or concerns.
- Billy Peragine mentioned the town installed round, burlap material to catch sediment in brooks that empty into the lake. It was discussed that maintenance needs to be done to them and Kevin Burns advised to ask Russ about it.
- Meeting was adjourned.
Comments are closed.
Meeting MinutesMeeting minutes are posted at the town website once they are accepted into record by the Park Advisory Board. Minutes are also kept on record at the Patterson Town Hall. Archives
April 2018
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