Carp gate: Pat will check with Antoniette to see if the public notice has been posted. Then Marguerite will contact John Stercho at the DEC to see if anyone has contacted him with feedback yet. Then we will contact Rich Williams for an update.
Basketball court: We will need prices, description of what we want to complete the grant with our budget. Pat will complete the grant forms. Hank will get the prices for aluminum benches, 2 - 12 footers
Ball field Fence Issue: Patterson’s Office of Code Enforcement is working with the neighbor abutting the court regarding his fencing and storage sheds
Parkland handyman: Hank will write up a job description and will we post it.
Doggie waste stations: have been approved. They will get put up on the west side of the lake and South Lake Dr.
Boat House: Flashing lights, lights and video cameras – new locks
Lifeguard Manager: Hank will create a job description and post it in January
Park Manager: do we need someone?
Ballfield: Rich will put the white plastic chairs in the shed at ball field.
Interviews: will be at the Dec work session @ 7pm