1. Joe and Mike have been discussing the particulars for the men’s softball league. Two quotes were submitted for gravel; the league needs two yards but four yards would clean up additional areas. Delivery is needed after Mother’s Day. The board advised Joe that the town needs a line item budget. Ninety-six games will be played throughout the season and Joe will provide a team roster. The umpires’ schedule was discussed; they will receive payment in a lump sum at the end of the season. Joe will submit payment (for 11 teams @$1,100 each for the season totaling $12,100) to the town by May 20. An update will be given at the next meeting.
2. Pat gave an update on the grant changes and confirmed the town rescinded the original terms and a new application was submitted with the new parameters. Hank advised he will get a quote from Martin’s Country Craftsman Inc. for a potential, new shed at the ball field since we could possibly use these grant monies for this as well.
3. Pat advised that the mailing list for the DEC notification letter is all set. She was able to save $126 on postage. Also, the New Fairfield Assessor’s Office provided all CT residents’ names with deeded lake rights. Additionally, if we opted for a not for profit permit for future mailings, the annual fee would be $200.
4. Regarding the newsletter started last year, this can be a project for the new Public Relations Committee to complete.
5. The goose egg oiling will be done this coming weekend. An update will be given at the next meeting.
6. Hank will follow-up with CSLAP regarding supplies needed; he will retrieve the samples every two weeks. Dr. Efting was here two weeks ago; she and her assistant tested twenty-four inflows including the southeast, center, and northeast locations. They also did their own testing for blue-green algae. They are finished and will provide a report by the middle of May.
7. Hank met with Mike Bloomer to discuss maintenance responsibilities. He would also like to advertise for back-up personnel in case it is needed. Further discussion will ensue at the next meeting.
8. Lifeguards were discussed; a motion was made and it was unanimously approved to appoint Ben Krupenye as the Head Senior Lifeguard. Hank advised the safety books are available from last year and he will update them. Pat will let the lifeguards know that she and Marguerite will help patrol the beaches this summer.
9. Regarding activities, Hank will get quotes for backstops; also, Hank and Mike will put together the new benches and purchase cement; Joe will install and cement the benches in. Also, the board approved that $250 will be spent on gravel at this time. Also, it was noted that a new shed will cost approximately $2,000.
10. Tom and Pat will work on specific line items on the budget; Hank will get the disks to them so they can update it.
11. Regarding the Swim Team, Mike will check with Gerry to find out if they need additional equipment, supplies, etc. Mike mentioned the team is fundraising to purchase their swim caps.
12. Regarding the Entertainment Committee, it was agreed that it will be self-supporting. Pat will discuss the parameters with the town and advise.
13. It was determined that the walk-outs at Warren Beach are fine for this year. Hank will get quotes for new sand for the beaches.
14. A motion was made and it was unanimously approved that Signs & Printing by Olson will be awarded the job for the new parkland signage. Tom will fill out the procurements for this.
15. Tom will work on the voucher, insurance, and registration for the new trailer for maintenance.
16. The meeting was adjourned.