Carp: stay in touch with DEC
Docks: Grants: get an idea of where we stand with a time frame. Get new walkouts and floats for Warren Beach. Keep the good parts of the walkouts and the floats from Warren Beach to install at Jackson Beach. Pier d’noit doesn’t recommend their system for our lake if we are going out 8 feet. It’s not recommended for muck.
Parkland handyman: we need to get a job description, needs own tools, $25 per hour, work projects as needed, we pay mileage, needs own vehicle.
Beach & Parkland Maintenance: we need to get a job description or should it be a lifeguard’s responsibility. Then we post for applications
Basketball court: the land is looking good. Need a price for trees. He will remove the boulders if we load them in his truck with a loader. We need to see how it works when we start working on the basketball court.
Keys: we all need a set of keys for boat house and the sheds
Walkout and new docks: RFQ’s were sent out but nothing has come back yet
Get estimates to remove brush and chip the woods from the removal of the vines on the parklands.
Docks: 4 feet wide, swim team kick boards – Hank will get prices
911 address signs
We need beach / lifeguard manager
Children’s New Year’s Eve party – we need a place to have it – need a budget
We got a bill for the Firehouse room rental.
We need a new chairman to run the adult events, firehouse parade, luau, tag sale, etc…
Christmas Float for the fireman’s parade- we need a coordinator to plan it