The meeting was called to order and the following board members were in attendance: Hank Earle; Mike Ercole, Patricia Ploeger, Rich Filippelli, Marguerite Shortt, Thomas Douglas and Laura Russo.
Pledge of allegiance to the flag
The minutes from the previous meeting were accepted.
Lake Management- Chemical treatments complete for this year – weed mapping still going on – once Allied Biological is done - it will be given to us and/or town and then to the DEC
DEC need mapping to determine if we need carp, how many – based on good and/or bad weeds.
Then we would get the permit for carp
Algae – next year we can do more treatments – we can start earlier – but right now we can see down 3 feet. Snow – lots or the lack of will have an effect the on the lake – good or bad
Signs - No parking – hunter green posts = $1,537.01- some money to the county& some will be backed billed by the town – (labor, posts, hardware, men to install)
Next year should we consider stickers for the cars – should we spend the money?? Stickers would say PLPD members – still need to decide where people can park – designate an area.
Wrist bands are for the beach not for fishing – we can re-visit the wristbands
The CT residents with deeded rights – we need to discuss access points to the beach.
Budget – has been submitted – we will not raise taxes
Activities – softball 2 or 3 weeks left – playoffs
Halloween window painting at local businesses - 10/4 rain date 10/5 – cookies; paint; brushes;
1st notices – boat warning 2nd notices – 5 boats
Maintenance man- Gerry –
New Shed is up and painted – benches are painted
Fences - Fairfield beach – Advisory board requests emergency repair to the fence and wall due to a car accident – not to exceed $4050.00 – The town may help with funds if insurance doesn’t cover the entire amount. (new posts, stone wall work) – review estimates at the work session.
Boat auction – 5 people attended – boats started at $20.00 and bidding increased nicely. The total made was $713.00 - It will cost $90.00 to remove the junk boats
Neighborhood watch- Pat working on Block captians
Speed radar set up between Laconia and Interlaken – it should be moved to Lakeshore
Donation of signs – one person donated $200 for signs – it is for the entire area not just PLPD members – it is a community watch area.
Public relations – Advertising for anything – on Sept 1 – we had 104 views and Sept 3 – 75 views
Marguerite wrote to Jeff asking for access to PLPD website.
The main sign at the VFW is owned by the town – we want to advertise our own stuff
Open to the public speaking:
How come you only concentrated on the ball field – new shed and fence and nothing happened to the parkland.
We repaired the fence because it fell down and it was a hazard
The shed was replaced because it was in bad shaped and need to be replaced
We concentrated on the water
You should hire people to clean up and remove tag sale signs/lost cat. Etc…
We shouldn’t hire people to remove signs – it isn’t part of the parklands – people should remove them if the people that had the sale do not remove them. Call people to come remove their signs
‘845’ is who we are using for cutting the grass
We need to protect the lake – we need more than grass – we will look into the proper thing that will hold back the soil and prevent erosion.
Volunteers- we were hoping to have more volunteers – we need to have a huge fall clean up and get the community involved.
Once the parkland is clear (vines, downed trees) – who will maintain it
We should do a mailing – 1st class mail to let everyone know about the results of the water; mention a clean up day
Create sub-committees – to find volunteers for each committee.
Budget money for 2015:
Design walking path – Rich Williams – Town engineer to back bill us for time/estimate – but we can get an idea of what it will cost.
Town needs to approve an engineer – we can do a walk through once the leaves fall.
We will continue meetings through the winter – weather permitting