2. The minutes from the previous meeting were read and accepted.
3. 6 RFPS were sent out for a water quality study for the purpose of creating a lake rehabilitation plan. Included with the RFPs were summaries of previous studies and county readings of lake fauna.
4. FOLA/CSLAP – Dede and Hank are to be designated as primary administrators of the program for Putnam Lake. John Logue and Anthony Cioppa will be participating in the data collection. Volunteers are still needed. Interested residents can contact Dede directly or through [email protected].
The committee’s primary goal is to address sources of possible harmful inflow to the lake and develop a remediation plan. Part of this plan will include grant outreach.
An area of concern was water fowl as possible cause of occasional high coliform.
5. HEALTH DEPARTMENT COMMITTTEE - to prepare list of requirements after receipt of information from the Board of Health.
Committee to prepare policies and procedures for beach closures.
6. BEACHES/PARKLANDS-committee reported that Jackson Beach is presently approximately 100 feet long. Committee intends to propose it be made 135-150 feet. This proposal will include extending the existing fence.
Warren beach requires the sand to be scraped down 6” and have six inches of fresh sand placed.
The committee will propose the purchase of one shed each for the beaches at Warren and Jackson.
Electricity will be on at Warren Beach in time for WinterFest.
7. GENERAL PROCEDURES – A list of signs for all parklands is to be completed ASAP.
8. The secretary will send final versions of meeting minutes to the webmaster for posting.
9. A discussion was had regarding the need for document storage on the internet. Some documents would be public while others would be for board use only.
10. Duane will work to create a distribution list of district residents for mass emailing.
11. The message board to be placed at Putnam Lake Market was received by Dede. Hank will coordinate its installation.
12. Discussion was had regarding informing park district residents of changes to the rules and regulations brought about by the creation of the park district.
13. Dede raised the issue of signs posted at entrances to the district.
14. A discussion was had regarding contacting CT residents with lake rights.
15. The VFW message board is to be managed by the town from now on.
16. A discussion was had regarding boat tags. Dede presented examples from local districts. More investigation into cost will be conducted. The question was raised as to whether the town would administer the distribution of boat tags or whether the AB could do it cheaper alone or in conjunction with the Town.
17. The question was raised as to whether boats would be allowed to remain on the parklands all year or whether they should be removed for the winter. It was agreed that boats should be removed by December 1st.
18. A motion was made to request the Town issue notice that boats on the parklands must be removed by April 1st 2013. The notice will also include the information that tags will be available no later than May 15, 2013. The motion was carried.
19. Abandoned boats will be removed to the boathouse for temporary storage and to allow delinquent owners to recover their boats. Boats on the parkland will be cleared on an ad hoc basis if they interfere with parkland cleanup operations or present a nuisance in the opinion of a board member. The board’s failure to clear abandoned boats will not be considered a waiver of its right to remove abandoned property from the parklands.
20. Duane identified the following areas of concern:
a. Conditions at the ballfield and the need for maintenance/repair.
b. Garbage cleanup
c. Garbage collection needs
d. Brush cleanup
e. Existing encroachments on parklands
f. Existing docks
g. Requirements of parkland areas for mowing/ maintenance.
21. Dede and Dru to meet with Town Board and Joe Delia about ballfield issues
22. The issue was raised as to seating a full advisory board of seven members. No motion was made and no vote was taken.
23. Discussion was had regarding how many garbage cans would be needed for the summer. Whether there would be one at each beach or just at the beaches that will be open for use.
24. New locks are being acquired by the Town for all storage facilities.
25. A spring cleanup(s) will be scheduled.
26. Deb Lawler gave the Beach Activities committee a list of past lifeguards that are interested in returning.
27. The meeting was adjourned and an executive session was held.