- The Board is creating a Calendar of Events for 2014 to include all important dates for everything from beach openings to volunteer events. The preliminary draft will be emailed to all board members to review and add dates. This will be an evolving calendar and posted on the website for the community. Additional discussion will be had at next meeting.
- Tied with the volunteer activities, the weed pulling at Jackson and Warren was discussed. Additional ideas such as weed mats were discussed as well. The board will continue developing the plan to control weeds at the beaches for both this year and next.
- The 2014 Budget is due to the town by September 1st. Next work session will focus on the budget. Gerri from the swim team and Joe from the softball league will be present to give their budget requirements as well next meeting. The board requested having the team roasters as well to determine the expected participation and costs for these activities as well. Mike and Dede will follow up with Joe and Gerri.
- Lake Quality discussion. The inlet testing as approved by the board last meeting will take place at the next period of heavy rain and runoff. All supplies has been acquired and locations have been finalized. Pricing for testing fecal coli form and Phosphorous is $60 per location, $360 total. Testing is on hold until the weather cooperates.
- Improvements to the lifeguard equipment were discussed including new chairs, a clean dry place to administer first aid, communication bulletin board in each shed as well as other improvements. Some improvements will be installed immediately while others are planned for next year.
- The lifeguard schedule for August was discussed. With many of the lifeguard going back to school, there are only limited guards for coverage the last week before closing. The board agreed that if replacements are not found, the guards will cover Warren Beach and keep it open for residents. Signs will be placed at Jackson beach advising residents to visit Warren Beach during that last week.
- The new signs for the Park Areas, Boat Storage Area and memorial field were discussed. The wording and size was revised and finalized. Duane will draft new revisions. Park Area signs and Memorial Field will be green like existing beach signs and Boat Storage Areas will be brown.
- The Board agreed to add bulletin boards to the bottom of each sign so information and notices can be posted. This will be a great way to communicate important notices and Park District events with residents. Dispensers of Pet Cleanup Bags will be added to the signs posts as well at each of the designated Park Areas. Garbage cans will be added to these areas as well to offer residents a convenient way to clean up after themselves and their pets.
- The Advisory Board is considering the purchase of a motor to add to one of the boats. This will aid in many of the maintenance activities that are performed annually including the launching of rafts, weed pulling, etc. Prices and specs will be researched and further discussion will be had at next meeting.
- The board agreed to extend the time that boats may be stored on the parkland to accommodate residents. Boats may now be stored on the parkland, providing they have a registration tag, from March 1st to December 1st. Boats are to be removed for the winter season and may return in the early spring. In an effort to help residents who need assistance moving their boats this year, the board agreed to create a Boat Removal Day in early November where volunteers can assist in moving boats to resident homes. Details will be discussed at future meetings.
- A discussion was had regarding having the fire department run life-saving exercises with the lifeguards next year. It was agreed that it would be of benefit and further discussion will ensue at future meetings.
- The lawn maintenance was discussed. There appears to be areas being overlooked by the hired maintenance. Mike will follow up with the company and the town will be notified if there is no immediate resolution.
- A revised version of the website is in development. It uses a new more user-friendly platform, easier to maintain by current and future board members. The new site will also house a lot more information for residents as well as community events. Duane will advise on its progress at future meetings.
- The brochure design and content was discussed. Efforts on this project will continue and be presented at next meeting.
- The meeting was adjourned.
Comments are closed.
Meeting MinutesMeeting minutes are posted at the town website once they are accepted into record by the Park Advisory Board. Minutes are also kept on record at the Patterson Town Hall. Archives
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