2. All board members were in attendance.
3. The minutes from the previous meeting were read and accepted without amendment. Meeting Minutes will be posted to the PLPDAB website once entered into the record.
4. Hank Earle was chosen to replace Bill Sutton. The placement was unanimously accepted.
5. The Chairwoman reported that the Town Board has estimated the cost of the transfer of property and the creation of the PLPDAB at between $30,000 and $40,000. This figure is reported to include $5,000 for PLCC legal fees. An accounting is expected from the Town Board.
6. The PLPDAB has secured burn permits for the purpose of burning brush that is exposed as a result of the draw-down. The permits are valid through the end of January. Residents are encouraged to make piles of brush and a PLPDAB member will assist and supervise the actual burning.
7. A meeting is scheduled for 1/5/13 for Hank and Dede to consult with a representative of the Patterson Highway Department regarding a leveling operation at Jackson Beach.
8. The board has been advised that Rich Williams doesn’t have any major concerns regarding future changes to Warren beach. Those changes under consideration can be implemented during a future draw-down of the lake.
9. Parking – while not an immediate concern, the Town Board requests the PLPDAB to create a plan for additional parking at the beaches.
10. CSLAP – Volunteers are required to attend training during a three-day conference in Hamilton, New York held May, 3-5. The required training is on the 4th, the rest if the conference is voluntary.
11. The question was posed as to whether the PLPDAB would pay for members of the Board to attend the conference.
12. Discussion was had with the organizers of the Softball League that uses the Ball Field and the Piranhas swim team.
13. The PLPDAB will be sponsoring a winter celebration (to be named) on Saturday, February 23. The event will be a pot luck event much like what has been traditional this time of year.
14. The meeting was adjourned.