Board Members in attendance: Mike Ercole, Hank Earle, Laura Russo, Pat Ploeger
Salute to the Flag
Minutes: 6/2/16 pending
Lake Management: The DEC has approved the application of Cutrine Plus. The first treatment will be applied on June 22. The DASNY carp gate grant is pending.
Parklands: We are still looking for volunteers to clear the wood and cut down trees and vines for the walking path. Pat will ask Gerry Doyle to put out the new recycling bins. And we are working with the town to enforce the code regarding illegal parking on Lake Shore Dr. Hank will look into using septic tank covers as bases for the trash barrels around the lake and either he or Gerry will pick one up to see if they serve the purpose of anchoring the barrels.
Boathouse Security: Fire Commissioner David Raines has obtained a locked cabinet for the security system. We will need to have it installed, most probably by Dennis Mays.
Swim Docks: Now that the beaches are in order for the season, Hank will ask a representative from EZ Docks to come to the lake and take measurements. The board will also want to see how the docks function on an actual site.
Swim Team Kickboards: The kickboards need to be sanded and painted. Pat will coordinate with Gerry to get this done by June 24th.
Basketball court: Pat will contact them and see where we stand on their donation of materials.
Softball League: After several complaints from members of the community, the League was sent a letter emphasizing the section of Chapter 116 which prohibits alcohol on the parkland.
Fireworks: We are still working on the possibility of having Joe paddock them set off on July 3rd .
Electronic Bulletin Board: Pending
Cost of Handyman: Pending
Recreation: Following a community request, Pat will order a volleyball net for games at the beach
Dumpster: The one at the ballfield needs to be locked as people are using it to dump all kinds of materials. The dumpster is strictly for the use of the PLPD and the softball league.
National Night Out Block Party: Aug 2nd, rain date Aug 9. Start time 6 or 7 pm – (to be decided)
Music at the Beach: Hank will follow up on getting bands to perform at Warren Beach once a month during the summer. This will be an adult-only event for residents and their guests. Wristbands will be required.