Board Members in attendance: Hank Earle, Laura Russo, Pat Ploeger, Marguerite Shortt, Lucinda Johnson, Mike Ercole
Pledge of Allegiance
Minutes: All approved
Lake Management:
DASNY carp gate is still pending .
Algaecide: 2 treatments have been approved for 2017. Permits will be sent to Albany for approval.
Walking Path: The Town of Patterson Highway Dept won the low bid and removed all of debris
Boats: Must be removed by Dec 1st. Boats will be removed by this weekend
Dock replacement: DASNY equipment grant – pending
Basketball Court: The court is ready but the hydro seeding was done on Election Day and it didn’t take, due to the heavy rain and crows. Playing has been delayed, per the Town Request. We will be putting up, fences and benches
Youth League:
Flag Football: we have the set, so we just need to get volunteers or the Patterson REC center to start playing and go down and play on the field
Volleyball on the Beach – possibility of a tournament
Recreation & Events:
Holiday Parade: PLPD won 2nd place in the parade
Children’s New Year’s Eve Party: 2nd Annual party for the kids. 100 kids + parents – co-sponsored by the PLPD and the PLFD- A very Special Thank you to all of the organizers.
Other Business:
Advisory Board Members: We need 2 members and interviews will be starting soon
Public Recognition: The Town of Patterson Board will rotate the board members to come and attend our PLPD Board meetings
Channel 3 has local public recognition and a picture of Putnam Lake was on there recently
Neighborhood Watch: Let’s start planning for National Night Out and set up meetings
Work Session:
Board Member Interview
Lake Management:
Follow up on SOLitude: Town has sent it for approval to Albany
DASNY grant for the carp gate: The grant has been signed by the Governor and sent to Patterson Town Hall. Plans are done, the specs will be done in June and bids can back by July and then late Sept we can lower the lake and start working. The fire dept will work on a boat ramp at the boat house and will pay for it. They need to work with Town Hall on the specs for the ramp
The CSLAP for 2017 has been approved.
Walking Path – set up a meeting with Terri Hahn and Rich Williams – pick a few dates
Lucinda wants to work on the walking path so we can get a science program going
Follow up on illegal parking – pending.
We need a template to install a new lock on the boathouse
Approve low bid for brush removal – we received 3 bids – low bid was Patterson Town Highway – unanimous approved
Boat removal – survey and & notify – post at VFW board – Boats will be confiscated on Jan 10th. There is a $75 fee to get them back
Goose oiling permit has been approved
Wrist Bands/Boat Stickers: The color selected Turquoise
Follow up on final clean up with All Seasons: Still pending
Voucher for Dock removal – pending voucher and a bill – bill was sent to the Town
Discuss plans for 2017, fence, benches, dam
Dumpster is still on the ballfield, full and the pails aren’t being emptied at all – we need to decide how to proceed going forward
Lucinda wants to have a Miss Putnam Lake and will start working on it
Alicia Earle has photos for ID badges - she prepped the pictures for badges and we need them printed
Per hour cost of handyman – budget was approved – so we can get an idea of the price
Work Order form for town handyman – to document the time
Follow up on Waiver of Liability: Pending
Discuss PLPD Board Member(s): Each member should recommend 3 people
All boats including kayaks using the lake or being stored on the parkland MUST have a boat sticker