Board Members in attendance: Hank Earle, Mike Ercole, Pat Ploeger, Laura Russo
Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
Rugby Practice proposal
Needs minimum of 50 x 50 space.
They have their own insurance covered up to $1 million – no liability to the town for injury
No one plays without being on the roster.
Repairs – to damaged parts of field. – re-seed 2 -3 practices a week Jan 1st – Feb 1st
Have to be 18 to be in the tournament.
Registered players by Rugby Association can join and have 2 years experience.
But if we get a lot of interest from local people – he can do a practice for those kids.
Coach – Pete and one other coach. We will make money at this. Ridgefield charges $200 per hour to rent the field. Fair price to pay for the field -$40 – $50 per hour – advertise locally so it would bring community involvement. He would like to make it a year round event. No more than 32 people or 32 cars parking at the field.
Possible clinics or junior league for the youths in the area
Minutes to be approved at the next meeting – a few updates needed.
Grant is still out there. Charlie Cook said it is back to the Carp. We want to get it approved before Greg Ball leaves office.
Weed mapping is complete and will be posted on the internet. We will put in the application for carp and see if the DEC determines we should continue. It could take up to 2 years for approval, Rich Williams recommended 150 sterile carp.
Grass eating carp so most people will not fish them and if they do, they must be thrown back in.
We are going to do algaecide and herbicides treatments, 2 applications. We are going to bid it out again and try to get a 3-5 long term plan.
Parking signs – county is manufacturing the signs. 17 signs will be put up. Code exists but they need to be notified and then it can be enforced.
Beaches and parklands – Boat house soffits repairs were approved to be fixed. The price is reasonable.
Interlaken and Lacona Beach – clear the dead vines and debris – if no volunteers we will price it out. Early spring clean up before the leaves come back.
Fences – Jackson beach will have an extended fence
Fairfield beach fence was repaired with insurance money from the accident
We would like to get a professional opinion on a good overall plan.
Then we will proceed as it is necessary. Benches & a walking path
Ball field drainage issue on right field, weeping willows – to cut down or not.
Basketball court put in behind ball field – looking for a professional to advise us.
Baseball back stop needs to be repaired or replaced.
Float – due to rain forecasted on Saturday. The parade is officially on Sunday the 7th – Sunday morning will we put it all together. Site to be decided, maybe at Warren Beach.
Neighborhood Watch
Ginny Nacerino pushed for a crosswalk and we got the stripes down and the signs were put up 12/4/14
$1000 will buy 90-100 signs
January 12th next meeting – Pete will provide us a yearly schedule. Not to meet during the summer. But have a Safety day in August
Public relations – put anything on the website. 126 people visited the site on November 26th. But the visits have decreased since then.
We have a bulletin Board at the market
Board members Tom Douglas and Hank Earle positions are up. Both were approved by the board and have to send in letters asking for approval to stay for one more year.
Town gave us a huge thank you for all of our work. We thanked all the town people for all of the help we got for the past year. The town was very supportive.
Boat removals – Will take the numbers and call them. If no 2014 sticker the boat will be confiscated. We will auction in the spring. $75 fee to claim the boat back after we take it.
Garbage dumpster for the scrap boats.