Board Members in attendance: Hank Earle, Laura Russo, Pat Ploeger, Marguerite Shortt, Lucinda Johnson, Mike Ercole
Pledge of Allegiance
Minutes: pending
Budget Review:
Grants: 1 for new docks and 1 for the carp gate. The carp gate is in the final stage sitting on the governor’s desk. Should we contact him? We are not sure where the dock grant it is being held up. Senator Murphy’s office is helping us find it and see if it could be moved along.
Algaecide: 2 treatments have been approved for 2017
Walking Path: Current progress – starting at Lacona going down to Interlaken Beach. Then we will have Terry Hahn come plan a path. The more volunteer help, the less we have to spend out of our budget
Boats: Must be removed by Dec 1st
Dock replacement: DASNY equipment – pending – we have looked at different styles
Basketball Court: The court is ready but the hydro seeding didn’t take, due to the heavy rain and crows. Playing has been delayed, per the Town Request. We will be putting up, fences and benches
Flag Football: we have the set, so we just need to go down and play on the field
Holiday Parade: Dec 3rd – The PLPD will be marching in the parade – we need an idea – decorate and throw candy out to the kids.
Advisory Board Members: needed
Public Recognition: Questions: Can’t we play basketball now: What’s the shade shelter – it would be at Warren beach: What is the Parking budget – to paint lines for handicap and make parking spaces more efficient