Hank Earle announced that the July 17th work session was cancelled due to vacations, and sickness. He also announced that Matt Menchen's passed away on July 16.
The Park District hired new part time maintenance people: Gerry Doyle and David Colucci.
Gerry has been working for two weeks, David will be starting shortly. If anyone is interested in this position please apply.
Old Business
Lake Management - The grant from Sen. Ball's office is in limbo. We haven't heard
anything but are still waiting for word.
Blue/Green Algae - We had our first application of a Cutrine Plus
July 14, 2014. We will be talking about a possible 2nd application
with the Towns' approval if needed.
The geese problem - hopefully next year Bill Poley and others
will again oil eggs to keep down the population. The mason line is working well. Hank explained that if the lines are strung 6 and 12 inches high the geesewill not
walk either under or over it to get onto the parkland.The lifeguards are happy it is up.
Cutrine Plus application-
Pat Ploeger contacted the Putnam County Department of Health
regarding a communication they received from someone saying
Chlorine was used in our lake to treat the algae. Pat advised
the Department of Health that Cutrine Plus, not Chlorine, had been applied
to our lake by Allied Biological with DEC permits. Pat could not find out
who sent the communication to contact them, but advised the DOH of the facts.
Parkland Signs-
Hank said he would talk to the County about No Parking signs for the parkland. Pat said she had asked the Town in June for guidance on specifics of how many, wording and location. Mike Griffin felt that 7-12 signs would do the job.
Taxes will NOT be going up. The budget amount will be much the same as last year.
We are still hoping to hear about the grant money coming through this year. A question was asked about what happens to any unused budgeted funds. They were told it is carried over and accumulates interest. ($130.00 interest has been addedfrom last year.)
A question was asked about the maintenance on Lacona Beach, the area that
had been cleared, and would it be maintained. Also would the property Bill Frank had cleared be maintained, and would the Town be planting grass on the parkland damaged by the parked cars. Hank said we were hoping volunteers would clear and maintain the property as Bill Frank had.
There was discussion on the Town and County responsibility on the parkland.
Both maintain a distance of 25 feet from the center line extending to the parkland.
A question was asked about enforcing no parking on the parkland. The Town
will not enforce the no parking until the "No Parking" signs are up. The signs
will be ordered.
Rich Filipelli said the shed for the baseball field has been ordered and is scheduled
for delivery on 8/13. There was also a discussion on gravel and a sign for the scoreboard.
Swim Team-
Swim Team is finished for the season. The teams did well and placed
for the invitational. Final was Sunday. The Swim Team had 38 kids.
Swim Lessons had 15 kids.
There was discussion on possibly opening up the Swim Team and Swim Lessons
to some outside the District (perhaps 25) as a community service and a
help in paying for the programs.
Beaches and Parkland -
The fence was damaged at Fairfield a Beach due to an auto accident. Information
on the damage and accident will be sent and discussed with the Town. Pat will contact
Sue Brown. Pat will also contact fence companies regarding the fencing at Jackson Beach.
Jackson Beach-vandalism. There was some vandalism at Jackson Beach. Cameras or lights were discussed as a deterrent.
Other Business -
Luau had 65 people. It had a small loss of $45.00. Advertising should have
noted all proceeds benefit children's events throughout the year . Such as
Easter Egg Hunt, Halloween Window Painting, etc. The Events Committee will not be having the Regatta this year.
A suggestion was given the Park Advisory Board on welcoming new residents
to the Park District. A Welcome Wagon Package listing activities, how and whomto contact for information and events was suggested.
The Neighborhood Watch Meeting will be held on Thursday, August 14, 2014,
7PM at the Putnam Lake Fire Department, front bays, lower level.
Public Relations -
"Get The Scoop" signs were made and put up at Warren beach and near the boathouse to advertise the Park District website for community information and happenings. If anyone would like to list events, fund raisers, flea markets, please contact us.
A Fundraiser for Henry Zemsky, Jr. is being held on August 23, 2014 at the VFW
at 7PM.
Boat Auction (5 or 6 boats) will be held on August 23, 2014 - 10 AM at the
Putnam Lake Boat House, preview of boats at 9AM. The auction is being
advertised in the Courier and Examiner Newspapers.
New Business -
Question was asked about a Doggie Area, or a thought of a Doggie Park.
Hank said it will need a good location. Maybe the town of Patterson
could help with that location. Dog waste signs and trash bins will be discussed at the work session.
Community Day for Patterson is Saturday, September 6th It was asked if pictures from Luau could be put on website.
Public meeting closed.