Pledge of Allegiance
Lake Management: The second half of the Cutrine Plus treatment was applied on July 30th, the first half having been applied on July 21st but interrupted due to the presence of several dead fish. The water appears to be fairly clear as of this date.
Carp/Carp Gate: We have been in regular communication with the DEC regarding the approval of carp/carp gate, but no decision has been made yet. The contract for the sluice gate at the dam has just been awarded. As soon as this work is done, and approval received from the DEC, we will be able to construct the carp gate and introduce the carp.
Out of District Users: Hank reviewed the idea of permitting a limited number of Patterson residents who do not reside in the tax district to use the beaches, etc. One idea is to limit the users to those who reside in the Putnam Lake fire district.
Basketball Court: The ballfield will be surveyed this month. Bids will go out shortly for the clearing and site preparation to take place this fall. We will allow the area to settle over the winter and hope to construct the court in 2016.
Walking path: The plan for phase 1 of the walkway is as follows: The path will begin just north of Interlaken Beach where the parkland starts to widen and proceed north to Lacona Beach. Per the advice of a landscape architect we will start with clearing of brush and vines by volunteers sometime in September. The path will be marked out and a permeable surface applied. Some of the work will require professionals, but we need the help of volunteers to keep this project within our limited budget.
A suggestion was made to see if an Eagle Scout candidate could make part of this his project.
Parklands: Doggie waste bags and signs have been placed on the east side of the lake and there is evidence that people are making use of them. Six trash barrels are being assembled and will soon be placed around that part of the lake as well.
Docks and Walkouts: The PLPD board is looking at various types of swim docks , walkouts and fishing docks. Since there is a huge price and performance difference, the board may have to look at areas where they have already been installed, or buy “samples” to see how they perform in our lake.
Fishing Tournament: Twenty-five fishermen participated in the July 19th tournament and four children in the Junior Derby. Gerry Doyle suggested we advertise on Comcast for next year’s event.
Beach Party: The organizers should be congratulated for transforming Warren Beach into a special evening for the residents who attended.
Public Recognition:
Arthur Varian offered to teach a fishing seminar to children and/or adults. He also volunteered to expand the boat storage area near Jackson to accommodate more boats.
Stacy Mead asked about Beach Captains. Hank explained that they’re people who have ideas and concerns and take charge of a specific beach. Stacy asked if this idea could be expanded to include the walking path, ballfield, etc.
Jeff Bode said that latest minutes on the website go back to April. Mike Ercole explained that he was having encryption problems with his computer but that the minutes through June should go up soon.