Board Members in attendance: Mike Ercole, Hank Earle, Laura Russo, Pat Ploeger, Marguerite Shortt, Lucinda Johnson, Rich Filippelli
Pledge of Allegiance
Minutes: March 3, 2016 and March 17, 2016 - approved
Lake Management: The DEC required notices were mailed to Park District property owners advising them that we would be applying the algaecide Cutrine Plus this year as we have in the past two years.
Goose egg: Egg oiling will be done on April 17th.
Carp Gate/DASNY Grant: Although we are approved to construct a carp gate, we have not yet received approval from the DEC for the triploid carp. The DASNY grant is still pending.
Walking Path: We have a flyer ready to post for clearing the walking path starting April 9th at 10am. We have all of the trees marked between 60 and 110 Lake Shore Dr
Trash Cans: Should be put out soon. April 23rd is Patterson Clean up day
Beaches: All of the weeds need to be removed from the water near the beaches. Bids have been sent out. Bids for the sand have also gone out.
Docks: We are going to see some actual docks shortly. Since we have a DASNY grant pending, we can’t put out a bid or purchase the docks until it gets approved.
Basketball Court: We are waiting on a grant from the Peckham Family Foundation, or help with the materials before we put the project out to bid.
Ballfield: Porto-san and the dumpster are there. We have asked AAA Carting for an undamaged dumpster. An RFQ has been sent out for the ballfield clay. Joe Delia has picked up the balls and equipment from the Rec Center.
Little League: Mike Ercole said that he has two teams who will play at Memorial Field this year.
Swim Team: Our past coordinator can’t come back and is trying to find a replacement. If we do not get someone, there will no longer be a swim team.
Tag Sale: May 7th- 2nd annual tag sale will be held at Memorial Field. $15 per table – set up 7am and the sale is from 9am-3pm. Rain Date May 14th. The Boat auction will be that day at the ballfield
Neighborhood Watch: The Putnam Lake NW program has been active for almost two years. On April 25th the Sheriff’s Dept. will do a Drug Recognition talk at the Firehouse at 7pm
Newsletter: It will be sent out by the end of the month.
Electronic sign: Pending approval by the town.
Public Recognition: A question was about the status of the swim team.
Hank reminded everyone that the lifeguards need to be certified and complete CPR training: A letter will be sent out soon.