Board Members in attendance: Mike Ercole, Hank Earle, Laura Russo, Pat Ploeger, Marguerite Shortt, Lucinda Johnson, Rich Filipelli.
Salute to the flag
Minutes: April 7, 2106 - pending
Lake Management: Because of delays beyond our control, the application wasn’t sent to the DEC until March 23rd and since they allow 90 days to make the approval, we may not hear from them until June 24th.
Carp Gate/DASNY Grant: Carp should be approved very soon. 375 – 400 carp have been requested. We have the list of companies to research where to purchase the carp. However, we need approval from DASNY for the grant before we can proceed.
Walking Path: Providing they contact the PLPD board first, volunteers may take down marked trees on the parkland between 60 and 110 Lake Shore Dr.
Recycling Bins: Bins for each beach and for the ballfield will be ordered this week.
Boathouse Security: NYCONN was the low bidder has been approved by the town board. The system will be installed on May 1st
Trash receptacles: Hank and Pat will put them out on the parkland on Monday April 25th late afternoon.
Trash pickup: Pat will ask town hall to authorize pickup on the beaches and parklands starting May 19th.
Beaches: Hank, Pat & Marguerite met with NE Aquatics that removes weeds via diver assisted suction harvesting. They gave us a price of $7200 to remove the weeds from both beaches. They also met with All Seasons who can remove the weeds manually. The PLPD plans to visit a site in CT to see the EZ dock system. Retractable goose fencing will be ordered for both active beaches.
Board of Health Inspection: Before the beaches can be open for the season, the docks have to be repaired and marked, and the Department of Health has to inspect.
Basketball court: Pat will let Rich Williams know where we want to put the court.
Drainage: Hank and Jim Gagliardo are evaluating ways we can address the drainage issue on the southwest corner of the ballfield; 1) Run a drainage pipe from the corner to the catch basin along Haviland Drive or; create a swale along the property line abutting 15 Kenton Rd. We will wait until spring 2017 to put in the trees to evaluate the drainage after a winter with more water runoff.
Property Line Issue: The town has asked the PLPD for its opinion on whether or not the town should grant a license to the owner of 15 Kenton Rd. to allow his shed to remain on PLPD property. A motion to grant a license to John and Debra Panzanella to allow their fence and shed to remain on PLPD property was approved by all present with the following provisions: If the shed is damaged or destroyed, it cannot be rebuilt and the fence must be moved back to the property line. If the property is sold, the shed needs to be removed and the fence moved back to the property line. He is responsible for removal of the shed and fence and debris prior to moving/selling.
Baseball backstop and fencing: Duke Fence will start a few days prior to the Mother’s Day weekend when no games are scheduled. The work should be completed by the following weekend. The softball league has requested more red gravel for the dugout area.
Hudson Beach fence replacement: We will ask the town to consider installing a guardrail for safety on Hudson Beach. This is the 2nd time in the past 10 years that the fence has been knocked down by a car.
Swim team coordinator: No one has stepped up to take over the position. There are about 40-60 kids that join the swim team each year. Pat will contact Deb Lawlor and explore the options
Wings over Water: They will send us a flyer to post around. They are willing to give a ½ hour free water safety session at the beach.
Little League: We are waiting for a schedule to include our field. Mike will let us know the schedule
Chapter 116.21 – If the Sheriff’s department responds to another call about drinking on the ballfield, they must give out tickets. Rich will speak to Joe Delia.
Electronic Sign: Pending
Lifeguards: The names and rates for our lifeguards have to be approved by the Town Board meeting on the 5th of May
Life Guard Manager- Pending
Press Notices: Lucinda scheduled a Zika virus presentation on 5/5 at 7 pm at the Firehouse Public meeting
Park District voicemail: Lucinda will be the voicemail coordinator and check the messages periodically
Boat auction: Since all of the abandoned boats were redeemed, will be no boat auction this year.
Handyman: Approval of our candidates by the town is pending
Waiver of Liability: Pending
Patterson Cleanup Day: April 30th & May 1st– Put filled bags out on the road and the town will pick the bags up.
Beach bracelets and boat stickers: Will be handed out at the May 7th Tag Sale.
Fire Department Rescue Boat: The Putnam Lake FD is proposing to purchase a life safety boat and will have to launch at Warren Beach since the south boat launch area has silted up.